New laptop with Vista



I just bought a new Dell laptop running Vista and it is not letting me save
anything to the c:drive. I've looked at all of the settings and can't figure
out why. Anyone else had this problem?


I just bought a new Dell laptop running Vista and it is not letting me save
anything to the c:drive. I've looked at all of the settings and can't figure
out why. Anyone else had this problem?

No, not me. My new Dell D630 works just fine.

Paul Smith

arkypaul said:
I just bought a new Dell laptop running Vista and it is not letting me save
anything to the c:drive. I've looked at all of the settings and can't
out why. Anyone else had this problem?

Try saving to your user folder instead. You'd need to elevate the
application to write to the root of the disk, for anything other than

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

*Remove nospam. to reply by e-mail*

Tim Slattery

arkypaul said:
I just bought a new Dell laptop running Vista and it is not letting me save
anything to the c:drive. I've looked at all of the settings and can't figure
out why. Anyone else had this problem?

More details, please. Exactly how are you trying to save something,
and exactly what happens when you try? What message are you seeing?

The more information you give us, the more likely it is that we can
figure something out.

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