New Contact Entries Not showing up in Address Book List

  • Thread starter Thread starter FGarvin
  • Start date Start date


User has been using Office 2007 on Vista SP1 for several Months. She has been
entering Contacts and has accumulated about 10-15 contacts. Last Week, when
she added a contact, the Contact is not showing up in the Address Book View,
i.e. she clicks on Address Book, then Contacts. If she clicks on Contacts in
the Folder view, the contact is there. I'm at a loss on this. I verified she
is not using Cached mode, her Contacts is attached as her address

If the contact does not have an email address listed, it does not show up.

I have a similar problem, but with another complication. The contact list
is actually a shared list. Both the owner and the other person see the
current contacts under the Contacts tab, but the "sharee" sees an outdated
list in Address Book (Tools/Address Book or click on To... in new email
message). It is Office 2003 on XP SP2.
