Network Setup Wizard



I need to run Network Setup Wizard on my Win 98 computer after I have setup my XP computer. However, XP was OEM'd from Compaq so they didn't give me the disk for XP. The wizard in XP gives you the ability to save to a drive that does not include my CD burner, just my media card reader. Is there another way to copy the network setup wizard from your XP computer?





I know that when I set up my network with two systems running Windows XP Home, then I have one system which is running Windows 98. When I set up the network on one of my Windows XP it ask if I would like to save the setup to install on other systems. I then saved it to a disk, went to the 98 system, went to my ccomputer, double click (or single click, depending on how you have it set up), then it will install the settings for the network that way.

I hope that helps. If not feel free to let me know. I will try to help.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

I need to run Network Setup Wizard on my Win 98 computer after I have setup my XP computer. However, XP was OEM'd from Compaq so they didn't give me the disk for XP. The wizard in XP gives you the ability to save to a drive that does not include my CD burner, just my media card reader. Is there another way to copy the network setup wizard from your XP computer?



This file contains the Network Setup Wizard:


You can burn it to a CD, E-mail it to the other computer, copy it to a
floppy, etc.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

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