Need icons that were lost


Poinky Doinker

I have a strange request. I need a copy of the default icons/shortcuts
that came installed with Windows XP. I copied my backup folder
of icons to my new computer but some of the program paths are
different than Win ME. Therefore they don't work. I am the only
user on this comp. so not sure which folder I need...
Should be one of these three folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Start Menu\ ... or
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\ ... or
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Start Menu\

I can post an e-mail address to send them to if that would be better.
I can also go download them if they are on a webpage somewhere.

Thanks for your help

Poinky Doinker

Sorry, I must not have explained it right.
I changed my XP icons to some that were backed up
from Windows ME. When it asked if I want to overwrite
the "same named" files with the older ones for some crazy
reason I picked yes.


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