My Google searches are secure


Mike Easter

Metspitzer said:

Under most circumstances, that SSL/ing is not important/necessary.

Under some circumstances you should be doing more to be more secure,
such as the Tor Firefox bundle. What is the Tor
Browser Bundle (TBB)?

However, the SSL/ing is generally 'free' in terms of no increased
latency, whereas the Tor/ing isn't.


However, the SSL/ing is generally 'free' in terms of no increased

latency, whereas the Tor/ing isn't.

Generally wrong. SSL is always slower than non-SSL.


Mike Easter

Generally wrong. SSL is always slower than non-SSL.

Here is a discussion of https latency issues; such things as 3.5x 21ms
to 68ms is negligible IMO, but the blogger develops the latency studies
much deeper than that. SSL handshake
latency and HTTPS optimizations.

IMO, you wouldn't 'feel'/sense the SSL latency even if you can measure
it as he did, but you can definitely feel the Tor latency drag.


Mike Easter

Well thanks, that was news to me, which I repeat below. It does seem a lot slower though to me, even after the handshake.


Summarizing from above: Using SSL incurs a 3.5x latency overhead for each handshake, but afterwards it's generally fast like plain TCP. If you accept this conclusion, let's examine how this can affect website performance.

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