The OP doesn't want to re-install MSSE (over it's improperly
uninstalled self or otherwise).
Plus a few more issues I have with your "minimal" suggestion.....
1). Do you expect everyone to automatically know what "Autoruns" is? - it's
not a Windows component so why should anyone but us few geeks know?
2). Any half-assed method of "quick" solutions like advising to use any
program to halt the MSSE running process and delete the folder, but not
remove the service from the registry and the entry in the Installer
registry database, will result in probable difficulties in installing other
Anti-Virus programs in the future, and will absolutely prevent MSSE from
ever being re-installed without further remedial work on the registry.
3). Terminating the MSSE running process, but not removing (deleting) the
"Microsoft Antimalware Service" from "Services" (this can be done with the
"sc" command), is again, the half-assed approach.
Ideally, all programs should be uninstalled from the "Add or Remove
Programs" control panel in order for it to be done properly. Someone has
obviously deleted most of the component files from the :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client
....folder, and so by doing, has rendered that, proper method of
uninstalling, unusable.
My procedure for (minimal) remedial actions are outlined in my first
posting to this thread.
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.