Major problem



Hi everyone I was doing a search for my problem and came accross thi
site. I really hope someone can help me. when I boot up my pc I can no
get to the boot up screen, I thought it was the monitor so I switched i
and that was not the problem, I could boot up to windows xp and then i
wouuld freeze then after I tried to restart it 2 times nothing comes o
the monitor screen now. The pc powers up, but I dont hear any bee
errors. I put in another video card and that did help. I only reall
need to get to all the data I have on my hard drive. I tried puttin
the hard drive on another pc with the windows xp pro disk but I get
bad spool caller error when I tried that. Any ideas on how I can ge
all my data off the had drive or fixing the problem the pc. Thanks fo
the hel

Rich Barry

Why don't you physically attach your hard drive to another PC either as
Slave or Master and then try to retrieve your
important data by moving or copying it to another drive or burning it
on to a CD. Once that is accomplish just format it
and then reinstall back into your PC and then reinstall WinXP.


Well I did that yesterday morning and I was able get all my data off th
drive, But I still don't know why I cant get a bootup or windows scree
up on my pc. I am not getting any mb beeps when I boot up just a blan
screen. The video card is good so it must be my memory or my mb gon

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