Listening to your Community is the only thing that will save you and your future at this point.


On the Bridge!

I do not care if someone reads it or not. But just in case someone stumbles
upon it,
I am showing what I say is backed with deep understanding, insight, and
creative alternative ideas.
Of course there could always be improvemnts with the product, but your
goal is to annoy and pester. That is it.

No Sir, thats your goal and there is pleanly of proof towards that. When is
the last time you have offered any help to someone in here? Errrrr????

No. I thought so.

It just makes you trolls go crazy that someone who bashes vista mostly
actually cares and helps more than any vista luver that every existed! :)
It cant compute can it?

No. I thought so.

On the Bridge!

How can I bee a linux fanatic when I have been saying for one and half year
for people
to use XP instead of vista? LOL

You aint got your facts right.. also see my post today about me ending the
between Windows and Linux

you might learn a few things.

Bill Yanaire

On the Bridge! said:
I do not care if someone reads it or not. But just in case someone stumbles
upon it,
I am showing what I say is backed with deep understanding, insight, and
creative alternative ideas.

No Sir, thats your goal and there is pleanly of proof towards that. When
is the last time you have offered any help to someone in here? Errrrr????

No. I thought so.

It just makes you trolls go crazy that someone who bashes vista mostly
actually cares and helps more than any vista luver that every existed! :)
It cant compute can it?

No. I thought so.
Wrong. I sometimes help with issues when I can. I don't use Vista that
much but every so often I do help. Granted most posts are to people who
just want to start trouble here hawking Ubuntu and other TOY OS's that most
people who come here don't need or want.

On the Bridge!

According to Lieutenant Colonel Philip J Corso

Intel got the hardware
and Windows got the software

from the UFO roswell crash, back engineered it and served it as their

(actually he doesnt mention who exactly got it.. but vista seems alien and
unfriendly to humans to me!)


Bill Yanaire

On the Bridge! said:
How can I bee a linux fanatic when I have been saying for one and half
year for people
to use XP instead of vista? LOL

You aint got your facts right.. also see my post today about me ending the
between Windows and Linux

you might learn a few things.

You might not be 100% a linux troll, but you are an instigator of heated
fights here. Most always you bash Vista. You enjoy starting fights and
think you are superior in your ideas that Vista is a piece-o-crap. I'm not
crazy about Vista, I think Vista could have used a few more months of
testing, hundres, if not thousands of bug fixes, but you try writing a
complicated OS and see what happens. It's impossible to write error free

Could Microsoft be better? Of course they could. Do they care about the
customer? Yes, somewhat, but that is the software business. Every company
puts out buggy code. Some more buggy than others.


A big ado about nothing.

1. The programs at the start menu are alphabetized and therefore easy to
use. As far as I remember, the start menu in XP was a nightmare. It was a
long list of programs, NOT alphabetized at all. They were packed in the
order of received.

2. This youngster's (Nazarenko's) idea is not a news at all. It's been
around for years. Perhaps in this particular application to the start menu
it is somewhat of a meager novelty but this does not constitute an
invention. MS could have used this without getting in any trouble at all.
There are many MS applications that use this scaling method of parent-child
Context Menu Strips as they are called (ContextMenuStrip class).

3. I have no trouble at all to ***READ*** the menu. All items in
alphabetical order.

4. When the start menu becomes too large, perhaps over 25 items it is a good
time to check the inventory and find out if you really need all of them.
That was my problem with XP. I could not clean the start menu since I never
bothered to find out if it was possible. It was huge and unwieldy. It was a

All microsoft needed was to BUY ...

Two paragraphs beginning with this clause is a pure senseless ranting. The
guys has an ax to grind and his histrionic discourse shows it.


Agree. He is a pest, a vermin.

Bill Yanaire said:
Your logic is messed up. You do really care if people read your opinion.
IF you didn't you wouldn't post. The reason you care is because you want
to get people made because you think Vista is a pile. All you want to do
is annoy.

Of course there could always be improvemnts with the product, but your
goal is to annoy and pester. That is it.


You guys are all wrong. He is not a Linux fellow. Linux is not good for him.

He wants all of us to use XP.

A curious person could ask: why does he care? What is a problem for some
crazy On the bridge character that the whole universe uses Vista? A normal
person would not give a damn. No, this individual spends his work days and
night he otherwise could have enjoyed at a bar or in a movie theater to
convince us that we, who ALL have experience with XP of many years are
wrong, cannot see the light, should wake up from our nightmare and go back
to XP.

Isn't is suspicious? Does it sound a bell? Of course it does!

The UAC and increased security in Vista is a knife to his heart. He is a
MALWARE WRITER, pure and simple. He is losing his business and fighting to
save it.

Your business is over, my friend. Vista is here to stay.



I think you made some very valid points and good ones too, so did Frank,
however a little more intelligent scenario could have been used, but we get
the point Frank. You guys have to remember no matter what MS tries it is
IMPOSSIBLE to satisfy everyone. Even if they could catch 80% approval from
users you still have 20% who will not like it. It's always going to be this
way, it was with all previous versions of Windows and now Vista. Nothing
wrong with your opinions, but I really do think you guys are beating your
heads against a wall or better yet each other. If you really want things to
change or at least some, two heads are better than one and working together
would get you far better results.

All the best,

You will never be forgotten my friend


HeyBub said:
They did. Focus groups, polls, over-the-shoulder observations, labs,
psychologists, time-and-motion industrial engineers, software providers,
literally tens of thousands of emails and suggestions.

Micros~1 did, however, reject suggestions from alien abductees concerned
with anal probing.

Oh no! That's Francis' favorite passtime. Hmmm, wonder if Francis is an
alien? It doesn't appear the be very human. Maybe it was a human at one
time, but after all the anal probing it's just turned into "Frank"?


What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:

On the Bridge!

You are crazy boy....

sick and crazy....

sick and stupid and crazy

if you knew what you were talking about, I have said use ANYTHING but vista.
Mac OS, Linux, XP now with sp3 (isnt that secure hmmm?), I dont care... but
vista is crap and as insecure as
XP for your stupid information! You are gullable enough to believe
hype that Vista is secure? LOL

But let me tell you something that you will love (like the little nazi you
are). The weak link in
any system is not the computer itself but the operator of the system that
can be phished for information. So a solution you would love is to kill all
the users as long as they are black, Mayans,
Muslims, spaniards, arabs, Poor, Sick, and linux luvers.

Boy it must be suck to be you, you are one f@cked up idiot.


thetruthhurts said:
Case in point

You don't have a "case in point"...all you have is your MS hate filled
pointy head shoved all the way up your fat stupid arse...LOL!
You're a fukkn idiot. The queen of the village idiots. A title you so
aptly deserve.

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