On the Bridge!
Dedicated to the idiot, racist, nazi-like ALEXB who insists that the vista
defrag is the best thing
since sliced bread and irreplaceable.. what an idiot...
it just so happens that they are recommending the same defrag free program,
and for the SAME reason as I did.... great minds think alike... and alexB
thinks like an idiot... (third time I called him that in one post... oh boy
he deserves it!)
"Windows' own Disk Defragmenter is a slug compared to Auslogics'
alternative. At least in XP, you got some feedback while the Windows
defragger was working; Vista doesn't give you a clue what's happening after
you click the Defragment Now button, other than to let you know that the
process could take from a few minutes to a few hours (my bet's on the
latter). I know many people scoff at the dancing colored blocks on the map
as pointless, but I kinda like 'em. "
What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
50 Ways to leave your Vista....
You just format the drive , Clive
Get a New Mac , Jack
Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Boot from a *nix, Jix
You don't need to discuss much
Install XP, Lee
And get yourself free
defrag is the best thing
since sliced bread and irreplaceable.. what an idiot...
it just so happens that they are recommending the same defrag free program,
and for the SAME reason as I did.... great minds think alike... and alexB
thinks like an idiot... (third time I called him that in one post... oh boy
he deserves it!)
"Windows' own Disk Defragmenter is a slug compared to Auslogics'
alternative. At least in XP, you got some feedback while the Windows
defragger was working; Vista doesn't give you a clue what's happening after
you click the Defragment Now button, other than to let you know that the
process could take from a few minutes to a few hours (my bet's on the
latter). I know many people scoff at the dancing colored blocks on the map
as pointless, but I kinda like 'em. "
What people are REALLY saying about Vista:
50 Ways to leave your Vista....
You just format the drive , Clive
Get a New Mac , Jack
Y'don't need that crap toy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Boot from a *nix, Jix
You don't need to discuss much
Install XP, Lee
And get yourself free