linux is copying vista, so get vista for free :-)


Stephan Rose

You don't have a real life do you? Sitting in your cell all
want me to be your friend don't you? You want me to recognize you as a
worth while human being, don't you?
Well...I don't think that's gonna happen. But keep trying!

Ya know frank, seeing how you hunt down virtually every one of Adam's and
Alias' posts and post such responses, one could wonder if you have a life
yourself ;)

2003 Yamaha R6


Carey Frisch [MVP]

When your significant other is a computer:

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User


You don't have a real life do you? Sitting in your cell all
want me to be your friend don't you? You want me to recognize you as a
worth while human being, don't you?
Well...I don't think that's gonna happen. But keep trying!

Ya know frank, seeing how you hunt down virtually every one of Adam's and
Alias' posts and post such responses, one could wonder if you have a life
yourself ;)

2003 Yamaha R6


Adam Albright

So you want a side by side road test is that correct?

Be nice if just ONCE you had the brains to actually answer a question.
You being the dickless wonder you are, you're just capable of flapping
your gums and having more sh*t fall out.

Twisted Vista

It does not matter for Linux, it's too late for them, best they fall in line. The
conquered adopt the culture of the conqueror.

- Twisted Vista

| They say that imitating is the best kind of flattery...
| but perhaps this is just taking the vista look and putting it on a platform
| that has less problems than vista.
| Yes even linux is more user friendly than vista! Can you imagine that!? lol


Alias said:
You're so afraid of Linux it's not even funny, Frank. The question is why?

Maybe in your little twisted fanatical mind I am.
But in reality I don't give a sh*t about linux or you for that matter.

Adam Albright

Maybe in your little twisted fanatical mind I am.
But in reality I don't give a sh*t about linux or you for that matter.

If true, it confirms you're just a nut case since you keep following
Alias around like a puppy dog constantly yelping and yelling and
telling him to STFU! If you didn't care and you still do it, we need
it look to your mental health for answers.


Adam said:
If true, it confirms you're just a nut case since you keep following
Alias around like a puppy dog constantly yelping and yelling and
telling him to STFU! If you didn't care and you still do it, we need
it look to your mental health for answers. just proved once again that you and alias are the two main
members of my Pavlovian kennel.
Keep barking...we all like to hear you.


Stephan Rose said:
Allright, I'm bored so I'll bite.

Please explain in detail what functionality Vista has that Linux doesn't.

And I do mean, functionality not "It won't play my windows-only game".

That is functionality, linux doesn't have the libraries many game writers
are using.
Linux users can scream until they are blue in the face but it still won't
run many games.
You may persuade the games writers to write using different libraries so
they will run on Linux using different functionality but I doubt if many
will ATM as they don't think they will get any cash from it. So that would
be another function Linux lacks.. the ability to make cash, probably its
main problem.
Other than that there isn't much difference.


Frank said:
Maybe in your little twisted fanatical mind I am.

It's pretty obvious, Frank.
But in reality I don't give a sh*t about linux or you for that matter.

If that were really true, you wouldn't search the newsgroup for my posts
and reply to almost every one. If that were really true, you would
ignore both me and any posts on Linux. Instead, you jump on every one.

You just can't stand the idea that something good can be free and firmly
believe in the sales pitch, "you get what you pay for" which is, of
course, not always true, but a common sales pitch, especially if what's
being sold is expensive.

You're acting like I have been a Linux user for decades when, in
reality, I have used Windows since 87 and was a very loyal and happy
Windows user and I cheerfully paid for each and every one from DOS to
XP. That is until they came out with the WPA, WGA anti piracy crap which
came to a head one day when I was having problems with a NIC card on one
of my machines that just wouldn't install properly to get on line. So,
after uninstalling the card, taking it out of the PCI slot and
reinstalling it, I was nagged to activate. I did and it went through
online. I rebooted. I had to activate again. I did and it went through
online. I turned off the machine and went to bed. The next day I fire it
up and it wants to be activated again! It activates online. I reboot
and, sure enough, it wants to be activated again! By this time, I am a
bit teed off and I try to activate it online and am told my license "may
not be genuine" and I have a number in Morocco to call. I call and get
activated after swearing up and down about how it was not moved to
another computer.

Coincidentally, I see NoSTop posting about Ubuntu on XP General and
check it out. It looks very Windowsish so I figure I might be able to
learn it and not have to put up with this anymore. I contacted NoStop
and he recommended I order the CD. When it came and I installed it in on
a AMD K6 800 with 512MB RAM in less than an hour (man, that was easy
compared to installing XP!), NoStop was kind enough to invite me to a
private IRC room and help me with some of the basics and directed me to
web sites to get more information and I've been happily using it ever
since without any problems at all. Not only that, each version is
better, smoother, stabler with more features than the previous version.
It seems like it was made out of the love of doing it, not for the love
of money.


Frank said: just proved once again that you and alias are the two main
members of my Pavlovian kennel.
Keep barking...we all like to hear you.

We post and Frank hunts us down like a dog and posts his knee-jerk
reaction and he calls us Pavlov's dog? LOL!


Alias said:
It's pretty obvious, Frank.

As I said, in your little twisted mind.
If that were really true, you wouldn't search the newsgroup for my posts
and reply to almost every one. If that were really true, you would
ignore both me and any posts on Linux. Instead, you jump on every one.

If that bothers you so damn much and obviously it does, then get out of
here. This ng is for Vista...not ubuntu/ it?
You just can't stand the idea that something good can be free and firmly
believe in the sales pitch, "you get what you pay for" which is, of
course, not always true, but a common sales pitch, especially if what's
being sold is expensive.

Oh, now you're projecting your life's philosophy onto me. Won't work
pal. You're wrong for doing what you're doing and where you're doing it.
You're acting like I have been a Linux user for decades when,

I don't care how long you've been a linux user, that is totally
irrelevant, but this ng is for Vista users, not linux users.

reality, I have used Windows since 87 and was a very loyal and happy
Windows user and I cheerfully paid for each and every one from DOS to
XP. That is until they came out with the WPA, WGA anti piracy crap which
came to a head one day when I was having problems with a NIC card on one
of my machines that just wouldn't install properly to get on line. So,
after uninstalling the card, taking it out of the PCI slot and
reinstalling it, I was nagged to activate. I did and it went through
online. I rebooted. I had to activate again. I did and it went through
online. I turned off the machine and went to bed. The next day I fire it
up and it wants to be activated again! It activates online. I reboot
and, sure enough, it wants to be activated again! By this time, I am a
bit teed off and I try to activate it online and am told my license "may
not be genuine" and I have a number in Morocco to call. I call and get
activated after swearing up and down about how it was not moved to
another computer.

Fine, your choice but this ng is for Vista, not linux.
Coincidentally, I see NoSTop posting about Ubuntu on XP General and
check it out. It looks very Windowsish so I figure I might be able to
learn it and not have to put up with this anymore. I contacted NoStop
and he recommended I order the CD. When it came and I installed it in on
a AMD K6 800 with 512MB RAM in less than an hour (man, that was easy
compared to installing XP!), NoStop was kind enough to invite me to a
private IRC room and help me with some of the basics and directed me to
web sites to get more information and I've been happily using it ever
since without any problems at all. Not only that, each version is
better, smoother, stabler with more features than the previous version.
It seems like it was made out of the love of doing it, not for the love
of money.

Fine, that's your right to use what ever os you desire or can afford but
this ng is for Vista, not linux.


Frank said:
As I said, in your little twisted mind.

If that bothers you so damn much and obviously it does, then get out of
here. This ng is for Vista...not ubuntu/ it?

Oh, now you're projecting your life's philosophy onto me. Won't work
pal. You're wrong for doing what you're doing and where you're doing it.

I don't care how long you've been a linux user, that is totally
irrelevant, but this ng is for Vista users, not linux users.


Fine, your choice but this ng is for Vista, not linux.

Fine, that's your right to use what ever os you desire or can afford but
this ng is for Vista, not linux.

And I am discussing Vista all the time by suggesting to NOT buy it and
get a real OS. If you don't like it, tough, because I will continue to
suggest to it each and every newbie that I can. You will come running in
calling me all kinds of names and blustering about but who do you think
the newbie will trust, someone with some class (me) or someone who lies,
insults and blusters all over the group like a ten year old?


Alias said:
And I am discussing Vista all the time by suggesting to NOT buy it and
get a real OS.

You're sick! Get some help, ok.

If you don't like it, tough, because I will continue to
suggest to it each and every newbie that I can.

And I will continue to point out to all what a complete lying spineless
as*hole you are.

You will come running in
calling me all kinds of names and blustering about but who do you think
the newbie will trust, someone with some class (me) or someone who lies,
insults and blusters all over the group like a ten year old?

They're not nearly as stupid as you think they are and they will
immediately see you for what you really are...a clueless, classless
lying jerk!

Charlie Tame

Alias said:
And I am discussing Vista all the time by suggesting to NOT buy it and
get a real OS. If you don't like it, tough, because I will continue to
suggest to it each and every newbie that I can. You will come running in
calling me all kinds of names and blustering about but who do you think
the newbie will trust, someone with some class (me) or someone who lies,
insults and blusters all over the group like a ten year old?

Yeah but at least Frank is "Reliable" ....that must be worth something :)

Adam Albright

You're sick! Get some help, ok.

If you don't like it, tough, because I will continue to

And I will continue to point out to all what a complete lying spineless
as*hole you are.

You will come running in

They're not nearly as stupid as you think they are and they will
immediately see you for what you really are...a clueless, classless
lying jerk!

Just once I'll be serious with you Frank. Do you honestly think your
constant screaming and blustering is encouraging anyone considering
Vista to try it?

You single handedly have probably driven more potential customers away
then all the so-called trolls you constantly have some childish need
to try to pick fights with. As I always say, you're just a fool Frank.
A damn fool. Everybody but you realizes that.


Frank said:
You will come running in

They're not nearly as stupid as you think they are and they will
immediately see you for what you really are...a clueless, classless
lying jerk!

Keep telling yourself that, Frank, as you're the only one who believes it.


Adam said:
Just once I'll be serious with you Frank. Do you honestly think your
constant screaming and blustering is encouraging anyone considering
Vista to try it?

You single handedly have probably driven more potential customers away
then all the so-called trolls you constantly have some childish need
to try to pick fights with. As I always say, you're just a fool Frank.
A damn fool. Everybody but you realizes that.

Have you ever taken the time to read the outrageous bs you post? And you
have the audacity to point your finger at others?
You're one sick delusional as*hole loser POS.


Alias said:
Keep telling yourself that, Frank, as you're the only one who believes it.

I'm not the delusional moron who thinks he has a "noble" mission in this
ng to spread the word about ubuntu!
You're sick!

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