"Linked" Masters in PowerPoint 2002



By Selecting View, Master, Slide Master, I can see that this presentation
has 4 Masters.

Master's 2 and 3 are connected with a little grey line on their left

Also, when clicking the Design icon and viewing "Used in this Presentation",
I see only 3 Masters. And while using the down arrow to cycle through the 4
Masters back on the left side of the screen, the highlight of course goes
from one "Used in this Presentation" at a time back on the right side of the

However, it takes two down arrows on the left ("Linked" Masters 2 & 3) to
make a corresponding movement back on the right.

I've searched help for connected, linked, etc. but don't know what this is,
or how to undo it, or why it may even be necessary.


It's connected because one is a slide master, while the other is a titile
In the design panel, you will see only 3 master. The title master will not
be there. To get the title master, you will need to select the slide master
that is connected to the title master. Then, go to Format > Slide Layout, and
select one of the options under the text layouts.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: May 21, 2006
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Thanks for your quick response.

Just needed to make a clarification. After selecting the Slide Master, and
then selecting Format, I don't see Slide Layout.

I see Slide Design or Master Layout.

If I select Master layout, i see a dlg with Placeholders, and greyed out
chkboxes for Title, Text, Date, Slide Number, Footer.

If I choose Slide Design, I see those pictures of slides "Used in this

What option should I choose to get to the Title Master itself.

Your continued assistance is appreciated.

Steve Rindsberg

What option should I choose to get to the Title Master itself.

PowerPoint will use the "connected" Title Master if you add a slide with a Title
autolayout. Otherwise it uses the regular Slide Master from the connected pair.

Ute Simon

Just needed to make a clarification. After selecting the Slide Master,
then selecting Format, I don't see Slide Layout.

You have to be in Normal view to see the slide layouts. So close Master
view first.

Best regards,

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