I'v never had this happen before



Background story:
i have a tapwave zodiac pda, with a game emulator installed. i have played a
game for 5-10 hours. most recent time playing, was last night for 10 min. i
saved and quit the program and something happened where it blinked a few
times and said "put games in this ________directory" which is what it says
the very first time it loads up ie- right after fresh install when directorys
are being created and games aren't already in them. i pulled out the
expansion card and looked to see why. there was gibberish files that looked
like archives because they had part of the past directory name, and the size
as if it included everything below it. i tried to copy this file to my
desktop pc and it said it couldn't read the source. so i ran a check on the
drive with "try to repair" option checked and it did its thing. little do i
know it made the entire folder structure that was associated to the emulator
into one file. i copied this file to desktop but windows doesn't know what to
do with it. again i'm assuming it is a archive of some sort because of the
size and file name. it has no attributes and no extension.

1. can you convert a directory into a file? or a file into a directory?
2. is there a program that could extract this information? i've tried
changing the extension to ".zip" or ".rar" or ".jar" and nothing seems to

I'm really at a loss here. i don't want to loose the progress on the game
and would like to know how to prevent this from ever happening again.

thanks for any help and if i need to give any more information let me know.

ps- i'm assumeing the file isn't compressed because the size is what it
would normally be if not bigger...

joust in jest

Do ask an auto mechanic to diagnose your health problems?
Do you go to a gardener when you have a toothache?

tapwave zodiac pda with a game emulator is not Windows XP.

For problems with tapwave zodiac pda with a game emulator , feel free to
seek assistance from the manufacturer of the tapwave zodiac pda with a game


actually it depends on if its just casual conversation when the question pops
up. ;-)

did you read my post? the file was made when i selected "Tools --> Error
checking --> check now... " with "automatically fix file system errors and
scan for attempt to recovery of bad sectors, both selected. the only thing
changed on the drive was this one file being changed/merged/made inside
of.... WINDOWS XP. hence the reason i'm here.

soo... back to square one.

joust in jest

I read your post. Since an expansion card is digital (it does not have
sectors), checking for bad sectors is akin to checking tire pressure on a

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