Windows 10 Fed up with Win 10


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Windows 10:

Hard disk activity led is constantly flashing, Win 7 does not do this. This can only mean that Microsoft is constantly monitoring me and/or writing to the parent operating system.

Win 10 upgrades would kick in when I was gaming online and make my game activity prone to heavy stuttering and in some cases freezing, which is terribly frustrating in the middle of a firefight, especially when you’re winning.

I finally figured out how to 1) Reschedule upgrade times and 2) Turn off upgrades altogether. But still I’d get the same gaming effect as although MS were not installing upgrades they were still monitoring. And sure enough when I excited my unplayable game and returned to the desktop there would be a popup window from MS saying ‘You need to install some updates’ or similar.

So in the belief that maybe some overkill would cure this problem – which is a bit daft I know – I allowed the download and installation of the latest Win 10 ‘Insider Preview’ release which is basically the latest Win 10 beta release. This made the problems a little better but did not entirely stop them.

Since the insider preview installed I’ve also been receiving lots of popups, all different ones, but the main two are ‘Would you recommend this Windows Insider Preview Release to a friend?’ and ‘What’s your favourite new Windows 10 feature’ to which my answers, atm, would be ‘No I ******* wouldn’t’ and ‘None of them’

It’s still trying to push Cortana and the Edge browser, very very irritating. And hard disk activity led is even more active since the new install.

On Saturday evening MS, after I allowed permission, installed a lengthy upgrade to this new version of Win 10. I have been playing Borderlands 1 offline again and ever since the Win 10 ‘upgrade’ this game has been stuttering and freezing, despite me having the latest Nvidia drivers installed.

I think this may be the final straw, I’ve been using Win 10 more or less since the day it was released but to my mind it has proved itself to be a whole lot more inefficient and annoying than Win 7. In my opinion Windows 7 was the best OS MS ever released. Rock solid, stable and light on the data gathering and constant monitoring/upgrading.

So, I am seriously considering going back to Win 7 as I am sick and tired of Win 10. This is not a throwaway ‘threat’ or idea, I mean it, and I’ve already starting backing up non-cloud savegames for the swap.

I really wanted to like Win 10 and I would always prefer to have the latest version of any OS and I even paid for a version of Win 10 after the initial ‘freebie’ but enough is enough, what’s the point of getting annoyed and irritated using an OS that seems to be doing it’s best to totally rub me up the wrong way?

And just by way of mentioning, my original paid copy of Windows 7, after changing to Win 10 from Win 7, still installs using the original code and also will download and install any available Win 7 updates. And I’ve saved the Win 7 Service Pack One to a disk.

I’m not anti-Microsoft and neither am I a fanboy, I’ve given them a fair crack of the whip but I can’t stand this any longer. I’ve said it before but I would probably use a Linux Distro exclusively if it wasn’t for only being able to play some games on a MS OS. I also realise that one day the latest game releases will not play on the outdated Windows 7 but C’est La Vie, we’ll deal with that problem when the time comes.

Abraham Andres Luna

Child of God
Mar 14, 2018
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I agree, I am having problem with Windows 10. I tried to update three times and the update was failing or getting stuck. I finally got it to work when I used the Upgrade Assistant. But now with these updates I have to worry about data collection and privacy. I also have a problem with the Dell software installed on this Inspiron 11. Sometimes when I try to uninstall it I get a fail or crash. And then when I disable it, it comes back to life somehow and enables itself. Very sneaky software if you ask me.


Feb 23, 2002
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I wasn't a fan of Windows 10 when it first came out, but I quickly grew to like it and I've not really had any problems with it (yet!). The big differences that I can see between our installs is I don't use the "Insider" releases on my main PC and that I'm running the Pro version, which gives me group policy settings to disable Cortana, OneDrive, etc... These should be possible to disable these using a tool like this (, it also disables the telemetry features. I use this app on all my PCs.

No problems with gaming or stuttering here, so I wonder if it's another app running that's causing a problem? Is there any particular process that is resource intensive (via Task manager) when you're having these problems? Would be nice if we can try and troubleshoot it before you pull the trigger, just in case it's fixable :).

I too am annoyed by Edge being forced at every opportunity, but note that Google are almost as bad with plugging Chrome nowadays :lol:.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure the upgrade issue is causing the gaming problems as every time it happened and I exited the game there was a Win 10 notification telling me of upgrades or prior to my making changes, was actually in the upgrading process.

As for Borderlands game problems, these didn't happen until after the latest insider update so fairly sure that's the prob.

I don't have a Pro version, I'm using the Home version that I changed from Win 7 to and the one I purchased which I've only just noticed is an education version, probably why the price was so good. Pro edition sounds good, especially if you can disable Cortana but I'm loathe to pay full whack for an OS I may not get along with.

As for Google they've been constantly plugging Chrome since it first appeared and it's because of their constant intrusions that I flatly refuse to use Chrome.

I won't be making any changes for 2 or 3 weeks, I should be paid for some work then and will probably be making some hardware changes.


Jan 31, 2005
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I really don't think installing the preview is a good idea, you dislike the popups and frequent updates, both of which will be more prolific on the preview build.

The only time I see Edge messages is when I go on a MS/Xbox website, other than that it never gets used.

FWIW, I'm running the home version with a local account, not using any tools to gimp the install either, I found they caused more issues than they fixed.

What I've done:

- Gone into the settings and turned off pretty much everything under the Privacy tab.
- Turned off Spotlight on the lockscreen.
- I've turned off Game DVR as that ca cause some issues. - Have you done this Flops?
- Turned off all apps running in the background bar a couple I use.
- Turned off some stuff in Windows Update including everything in 'Restart Options' and 'download from other PC's'

Other than that its pretty much a stock install...


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Ok, thanks for the advice V_R, as I mentioned I'd rather stay with Win 10 but so many issues...

I forgot to mention 2 other grumbles in my opening post, just of late the system has been slowing down, is slow to respond to everything and to cure this I'm having to reboot frequently, something I'd never had to do before.

Secondly, after Saturdays Preview update a few of the older GOG games simply won't work, one game is Outlaws which prior to Saturday worked fine.

What's Game DVR? lol

I'll have to look that up and turn it off if it isn't already. I will note all the other things you've changed in your Win 10 and see how I get on.

I must confess I haven't had prompts to try Edge until I installed the Insider Preview version. I have a proper MS disk with Win 10 and an install key to go with it, perhaps it may be worth trying a fresh install, I don't know.

The small notice on the bottom right of my screen tells me I'm running 'Win Pro Education Evaluation Copy Build 17120.rs4_180309-1616' I wonder if that is the same as the domestic Pro version?


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I have Win 10 Pro, ver 1709 / 16299.309 ... clean install from a DVD.

I have, as VR, turned off everything not required.
Win 10 gaming is ALL off (IMHO it does NOT work)
I use Spybot Anti Beacon. (takes care of other phone-home apps I cannot turn off)

Win 10 has not 'annoyed' me with ... must reboot / downloads / Edge / suggestions / feedback ... it's as quiet as a mouse. :)

Hope you get well soon!

Abraham Andres Luna

Child of God
Mar 14, 2018
Reaction score
Wow thanks for sharing the Spybot Anti Beacon, I had no idea that software even existed.
I just wanted to share this tidbit I just read: During February, Windows 7 powered 48% of all Windows PCs, a user share larger than either Windows 10's (39%) or Windows 8/8.1's (8%).


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Bit of an update...

V_R was right about I shouldn't have installed the Preview copy of Windows 10, all I done was increased the annoyance, kinda stoopid really :blush: Oh well, hope to do a new build and therefore a clean install in a few weeks time so goodbye to Preview copy then, just not looking forward to finding all saved games and reinstalling Steam and all the other game clients.

I turned off most of the things as recommended by others here, I didn't even know that DVR existed. I couldn't turn off everything Cortana related though. The Preview copy tells me every day that I have fresh downloads and installs but mostly when I say 'go ahead' it just checks and tells me I'm up to date. Annoying.

Since carrying out changes I've had no game interruptions or slowing down, this is good.

One odd quirk is that when Microsoft carries out any significant changes to the Win 10 OS my Epson 4490 scanner drivers disappear and I have to reinstall them to enable me to use my scanner again :confused:

I have also just installed Spybot Anti Beacon, another app I didn't know existed, thanks for the pointer Mr Mucks. It certainly looks good but as yet I can't see any visible signs of its existence. Perhaps I'll only get peace once the Preview copy is history.

Thanks all for advice, I shall persevere for now.

Abraham Andres Luna

Child of God
Mar 14, 2018
Reaction score
I shall persevere for now.

I am having problems with my Bluetooth connectivity. The headphones connect just fine to my Android phone, but I have trouble when trying to connect with my Windows 10 laptop. I searched the Dell support forums and many other users are having the same issue. Supposedly it happens when Microsoft pushes those updates on us. It breaks drivers and then they don't even try to fix it.

It's frustrating to spend all these hundreds of dollars and then I can't even use it because the software is broken. I'm not sure what to do anymore.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I'm not sure what to do anymore.

Several choices available:

1) Stick with Win 10 and hope Microsoft make good.
2) Go back to Windows 7 which to my mind is possibly the only useful OS Microsoft have ever published.
3) Use a flavour of Linux, many user-friendly distros now available.
4) Cross over to the dark side and buy a Mac ;)

Sorry to hear about your probs, I hope things get sorted.

Abraham Andres Luna

Child of God
Mar 14, 2018
Reaction score
I would NEVER switch to Mac.

1. Too expensive.
2. Doesn't play nice with other devices.

I'll just program my own OS. Haha!


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
I would NEVER switch to Mac.

1. Too expensive.
2. Doesn't play nice with other devices.

As well as my Windows PC and desktop I have a Macbook Pro and the Mrs has an iMac.

1. Prices now days aren't to different to PC
2. Never had an issue with the Macbook Pro and iMac not playing nice with other devices.

Oh and Macs just work, no faffing about like you have to with a Windows PC.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
To say I’m not pleased with Microsoft and Windows 10 would be an understatement.

I’ll just list a sequence of events, best I can remember.

August 2017 purchased Win 10 Pro from Amazon for budget price, it was around £20 off the top of my head.

When it arrives I note a sticker on the card envelope containing the Win 10 DVD stating it’s the Win 10 Pro Education version.

Install Win 10 to computer previously using Win 7 and select the Education version when prompted.

Win 10 activated with no problem and used until Friday April 27th April 2018.

April 27th 2018: Change computer hardware, Motherboard, CPU, RAM and add an M.2 SSD storage device.

Install Win 10 to machine with new hardware selecting Education version again but it won’t activate. Tried all options to activate suggested by Microsoft on their support pages. The activation process within Win 10 won’t recognise my Microsoft membership even though the Microsoft Xbox One S I’m using does recognise it.

By Monday April 30th decide to bite the bullet and phone Microsoft support phone number. To cut a long story short I’m on the phone for more than 4 hours and the problem is not resolved. I hope I’m not going to be charged for the phone call.

The fella I speak to, Preetham, is very helpful and I could understand him ok. He tells me that my activation code is not for an Education version but for an ordinary Win Pro version and that’s why it won’t activate.

Preetham uses the remote takeover system to mess with my machine and tries several options, none of which work. One of those options is downloading a new version of Win 10 and doing a fresh installation which meant I lost all my latest documents and data.

Preetham also tells me that as I installed the Education version of Win 10 it’s ID is now embedded in a secondary BIOS in the motherboard and it will stay there and the only way round it is to purchase an activation code for Win 10 Pro Education, which I refuse to do.

He also said my machine was the fastest he’s ever come across which would be a combination of an Intel 8th Gen Coffee lake CPU and my new fibre optic internet connection I suppose.

Preetham says I will need to speak to ‘Microsoft senior technician specialists’ but they’re booked up until Friday morning May 4th so I will have to wait until then.

Ok, I’ll wait.

That evening I download an ISO for Windows 10 and using the Microsoft Media Creation tool burn a Win 10 DVD. I then take out the M.2 SSD and fit an ordinary SSD hard disk and do a fresh Win 10 installation from the DVD, this time selecting the Win 10 version of ordinary Win 10 Professional.

When installation is complete the OS shows as Win 10 Pro on the activation page within Win 10 and not the Education version. But it still won't activate.

So next morning I phone Microsoft again to try and activate Win 10.

I’m put through to a lady who sounds Asian and I can barely understand a word she’s saying but eventually I’m transferred to another department and wait 20 minutes before I’m put through to somebody.

And I’m put through to Preetham again. That pleases me as he was helpful.

But when I return to Win 10’s activation page somehow the version ID has changed back to Win 10 Pro Education again – that secondary motherboard bios probably - which means my activation code will not activate it.

So I’m now waiting until Friday for a solution, if there is a solution.

Right now seriously considering going back to Windows 7 and using it just for games and using Linux Mint for everything else. Currently using Mint Cinnamon V18.3 but soon there will be a version 19 released.

Microsoft will not win any prizes in 2018 for customer satisfaction from my neck of the woods.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
That does not sound like fun!

So that cheap Win10 key was probably a dodgy volume licensing key which shouldn't have been sold by the sounds of it. Cheeky.


Mar 25, 2003
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What a palaver! Glad to hear that you were able to speak to someone who was helpful at least, but it's a shame he wasn't able to sort the problem. Hope it goes well on Friday... May the Fourth be with you :D

Sorry, couldn't resist! :lol:

Abraham Andres Luna

Child of God
Mar 14, 2018
Reaction score
What a palaver!

I had to look that word up, cause in America we don't use that word, palaver. Anyway, I just installed the April 2018 Feature Update and I've noticed a couple of bugs in it. First was the fact that the scroll bars in some apps started hiding again. So I had to change that setting so that my scroll bars show up by default. Why is that even a feature? Why would I want to hide my scroll bars? This isn't a mobile device I'm using.

And then I noticed that it copied that "Install Dropbox" file to my desktop, even though I already had on on there. I deleted both, hopefully on the next update it doesn't copy it yet again. But it probably will, I know how this works.

If I come across any new bugs I will probably share them with you guys.

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