Ipod Help !

Dec 22, 2004
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Heya there ... if anyone could fix my ipod, i would be in your det FOREVER ! lol

I have tried EVERYTHING to fix it now and NOTHING. Plug it into charge ... NOTHING. Reset it ... a whiring noise kinda like a hardrive loading up, occurs and that's it, then a folder with an exclamation mark next to it comes up. And then turns back off :( In Intunes it doesn't show up either ... I have lost over 115pounds worth of albums on my ipod/itunes. It doesn't come up in my library. I can only see it in my purchase history.

Really REALLY cheesed off !!! Thinking of buying another one if this one can't be fixed.

PLEASE see if you can help ! You wouldn't know how much i would appreciate it !!!
can you access it from your pc? you may be able to get someone like disklabs to recover the data, or apple may allow you to download the music again if you have proof of purchase

dont get another one get a Creative Zen they are so much better although im not sure whether the music on your ipod will work on it
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Nah i can't. What's DISKLABS ?!?! I am trying to get my mum to take me to London to the Apple shop there, maybe at the weekend hopefully.

I don't really like Creative Zens. If i HAVE to i might though. But i am looking at buying a 20GB Ipod from Ebay for 130pounds considering i bought my MINI Ipod for 200pounds !!! lol :(

Is DISKLABS a shop or something ?! lol
there one of the sites sponsors (bottom right) they do data recovery from damaged hard drives etc have a look at their site
Oh right ... so they fix Ipods ?! lol

God damn my Ipod ! :( Gunna buy a new one most probably ... this SUCKS !!! :(

All i have for school now is a lamo C.D playa ! :(

If anyone else has an idea on to fix it PLEASE ! lol
i dont know but it says they do micro drives here http://www.disklabs.com/microdrive-recovery.asp

so you may be in luck but its probably expensive ask for a quote

i know alot of people at school are having trouble with their ipods its mainly problems with buttons, screens, head phone connectors etc, google "ipod problems" and you'll find loads of people having problems
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lol kk Thanx :)

Does anyone have a Creative Zen here and can tell me about it please ?!

My friend has one, but i didn't really get to play aroudn with it ... :P

I like the touch thing on the Ipod though the simple wheel ...
Gee, belloni, every one of your electronics is dying aint it?:D
dont touch my computer:p
Haha not EVERYTHING ! ;) lol I guess i don't look after stuff that much unless it really expensive ! hehe Damn your pc to far away for me to touch it !!! lol

Haha lol hopefully !!! :P

I hope i can get all those albums i bought from Itunes back ! :( It's on my purchase history and that's it lol HOW LAME !
hi belloni, i'm having exactly the same problems with my 40gb ipod, it's a pain in the arse and had over 6000 songs on it, i dont know what's happened, if anyone could help us, thanks!!!!!!!
willl7771 said:
hi belloni, i'm having exactly the same problems with my 40gb ipod, it's a pain in the arse and had over 6000 songs on it, i dont know what's happened, if anyone could help us, thanks!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear mate !!!

I can't be bothered with mine no more ... lol

That's what why i just purchased the new Sony HD3 :)

I am going to contact apple to give my songs back lol coz that's over £100 i have spent buying albums off itunes .... and i would like to burn them to a c.d then put them on my new sony :) lol
What I find horrifying is that you guys don't have any of this music backed up. I mean I know its 60 gigs of songs, but then again its a hard drive.Any any hard drive can crash. Sorry for the loss guys, that really is sad, those songs are expensive and add up, I'd be going insane. As far as creative zen goes, I've only heard things. They are more affordable than ipods and have similar specs. I've been told that the creative zen are not user freindly and take some learning to use properly. As far as I'm concerned I-River makes the best portable mp3 players. Ive only gotten to read the reviews on them, and get to listen to the ones on display in the local electronics shop. They make a water proof mp3 player, head phones and all, I want it soo bad. Body boarding and listening to tunes.
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