Intellipoint 5.2 and Scroll Wheel


Shawn B.


I recently purchased a Microsoft wireless keyabord/mouse combo. I'm using
WinXP Pro SP2 (all updates applied). Since updating the driver to 5.2 my
scroll wheel no longer works for my trusty Trackball Explorer. I don't use
regular mice (make my hand hurt) so I didn't need the wireless mouse it came
with (but I leave it for my wife who hates my trackball).

In any case, there is an option to specify what mouse (in the control panel
applet) but it doesn't make a difference. I've visited the Microsoft
Website to locate the appropriate drivers and it recommended I download and
install 5.2 (which I have).

Is there a fix for this somewhere? Or do I have to revert back to the
previous 3.2 drivers and potentially lose out on my wireless keyboard/mouse
I just paid $99 for?



You might try downloads at,scroll to intellimouse,select 5.0
5.0 is more stable than 5.2,you could also go to microsoft hardware home,
select mouse downloads,locate v5.3 Even though it doesnt give you this for
youre hardware,it'll work with all microsoft mouse products,it works better
than 5.0 or 5.2

Man-wai Chang

Andrew said:
You might try downloads at,scroll to intellimouse,select 5.0
5.0 is more stable than 5.2,you could also go to microsoft hardware home,
select mouse downloads,locate v5.3 Even though it doesnt give you this for
youre hardware,it'll work with all microsoft mouse products,it works better
than 5.0 or 5.2

latest version is 5.4.


recommended driver for Trackball Explorer is 5.2; .3 and .4 don't support

do you use IntelliTYPE also? Which version?

if you use both, TYPE should be installed BEFORE point, or scroll wheel
issues will result.

try reinstalling.


I also have a TB Explorer, and love it - would never go back. I use IT5.0
(for my MS Office KB, now discontinued) and IP5.2 and they work ok
together, as long as IT is installed prior to IP.

FWIW, IP5.0 worked well too, but as I recall it no longer supported the
Application Specific settings feature; 5.2 brought that back.

Yves Leclerc

recommended driver for Trackball Explorer is 5.2; .3 and .4 don't support

do you use IntelliTYPE also? Which version?

if you use both, TYPE should be installed BEFORE point, or scroll wheel
issues will result.

try reinstalling.


I also have a TB Explorer, and love it - would never go back. I use IT5.0
(for my MS Office KB, now discontinued) and IP5.2 and they work ok
together, as long as IT is installed prior to IP.

FWIW, IP5.0 worked well too, but as I recall it no longer supported the
Application Specific settings feature; 5.2 brought that back.

That's Bull! The Trackball Explorer shows up in 5.4. I have a different
mouse and I am using 5.4. Just checked and Trackball Explorer is listed in
the options.

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