Inbox Unread Messages



Before Office 2003, my Inbox used to show the total messages and total unread
messages in the bottom left side of the Inbox window. I want that back. How
can I get that to show up WITHOUT having the Navigation Pane open?

Note: This is NOT the option where you can right click on the folder
properties from within the Navigation Pane window and choose to show all
messages or unread messages, etc.

Brian Tillman

trchap41 said:
Before Office 2003, my Inbox used to show the total messages and
total unread messages in the bottom left side of the Inbox window. I
want that back. How can I get that to show up WITHOUT having the
Navigation Pane open?

View>Status Bar perchance?


Thanks but that's not it. I wish it were that simple. Anyone out there with
any other ideas?


trchap41 said:
Thanks but that's not it. I wish it were that simple. Anyone out
there with
any other ideas?

Then it probably isn't the status bar that is missing (would be nice if
you actually let us know that). It sounds like you are asking about a
"pane" within the Outlook window that is missing. I don't have OL2003
at home, but I'd start looking around in the Reading Pane options to see
if there is some configuration that shows the pane that you are asking
about. Also, maybe you squashed the pane by dragging a border down, so
hover the mouse around the bottom of the window frame looking for where
the mouse cursor changes to a double arrow which means you found a
border to drag up.


This is not a pane issue. It's a Status Bar issue. I'm sorry I didn't make
myself clear. The Status Bar shows the total number of items but it does not
show the total number of unread items like it did before 2003. e.g. "50
items, 10 unread." I can't find any options to configure the Status Bar view.

Brian Tillman

trchap41 said:
This is not a pane issue. It's a Status Bar issue. I'm sorry I
didn't make myself clear. The Status Bar shows the total number of
items but it does not show the total number of unread items like it
did before 2003.

That didn't sink in when I read your original post. Indeed, you are
correct. The status bar no longer shows that information and there's
nothing you can do about it except make a suggestion to Microsoft to restore
that feature.


I was afraid that might be the answer. Can you refer me to a site or e-mail
address where I can post or send the suggestion?

Thanks to all who responded so quickly.

Brian Tillman

trchap41 said:
I was afraid that might be the answer. Can you refer me to a site or
e-mail address where I can post or send the suggestion?

If you posted your original message using a web browser, there should have
been a "make a suggestion" button.

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