I need an answer . . .



john said:
It never is, is it fanboy?

Microsoft would have been a great name for a new brand of toilet paper
Obviously you have some real problems in your sad, delusional life that
you feel the need to post your stupid, ignorant trash talk in this ng.
If I know a problem is with Vista I'll try to help if I can. On the
other hand, if I know it's not a Vista problem, I'll say so.
Problem is, you don't know the difference and I do and that irritates
the hell out of you.
You need to get a real life or just continue to be the loser you come
off as being.
Your choice.

Nina DiBoy

Mike said:

Why do you feel the need to use the term 'fanboy'?

Probably because it is accurate and true.

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"hahaha...oh, I do detect a hint of jealousy or what! Where Darrell
actually helps people all you do is beg for attention. Shame on you! Go
get professional psychological clinical help with your obvious problems
and stop your bandwidth sucking bullshit postings in this ng. (rip,
snort, belch, burp, chuckle)"

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot

Nina DiBoy

I would laugh if I had the option of wiping my arse with EULAs! :)
Obviously you have some real problems in your sad, delusional life that
you feel the need to post your stupid, ignorant trash talk in this ng.
If I know a problem is with Vista I'll try to help if I can. On the
other hand, if I know it's not a Vista problem, I'll say so.
Problem is, you don't know the difference and I do and that irritates
the hell out of you.
You need to get a real life or just continue to be the loser you come
off as being.
Your choice.

LOL - you show yourself for the hypocrate you really are!

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"hahaha...oh, I do detect a hint of jealousy or what! Where Darrell
actually helps people all you do is beg for attention. Shame on you! Go
get professional psychological clinical help with your obvious problems
and stop your bandwidth sucking bullshit postings in this ng. (rip,
snort, belch, burp, chuckle)"

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot


Frank said:
XS11E wrote:
I run Windows to do all the useful work I do with my computers. I
dual boot to Linux occasionally for giggles.


Me too! :)
BTW, hows that Yamaha running?

My Yamaha, my second XS11E, was sold a couple of years back and I miss
it but I found I could no longer ride it or any other motorcycle. I
sold it and got my hot new ride:


It's great for running down old ladies in the grocery store but with a
top speed of 5.25 mph it's down a bit on performance!


DP said:
Quicken 2007 works for me on Vista Ultimate 64-bit. I know others
have gotten it to work as well.

It workd OK for me as well but the BillMinder will not open no matter
what I do.

I've asked on the Quicken forums and have no responses, I've asked in
the Quicken newsgroups and no help there, either.

Does it work for you? If so, what did you do to get it to run?


DP said:
Quicken 2007 works for me on Vista Ultimate 64-bit. I know others
have gotten it to work as well.

I really need to know if Billminder works on your installation. Please
email me or reply here, this issue is driving me nuts!

I've done everything the Quicken people suggested which was absolutely
nothing useful, they just cut and past some worthless advice from the
help files into an email message but, although Quicken seems to work
OK, I need the Billminder application to work as well.


XS11E said:
I really need to know if Billminder works on your installation.
Please email me or reply here, this issue is driving me nuts!

I've done everything the Quicken people suggested which was
absolutely nothing useful, they just cut and past some worthless
advice from the help files into an email message but, although
Quicken seems to work OK, I need the Billminder application to
work as well.

I finally began using MSCONFIG to stop startup items and found that
Logitech's SetPoint software prevents Billminder from opening, I
removed SetPoint and all is well now except I need that software!

Is there some other way to make the mouse middle button double click?
My arthritis makes that essential.


XS11E said:
Is there some other way to make the mouse middle button double
click? My arthritis makes that essential.

And fixed that! BTC has a mouse driver that works and enables the
middle button to double click and all is well.

As of now, Vista Ultimate Edition 64 bit is capable of replacing XP on
my Hard Drive, all my software and hardware works as it should!

Mike Hall - MS MVP

Contact Intuit and Logitech about it.. maybe they can help you..

XS11E said:
I finally began using MSCONFIG to stop startup items and found that
Logitech's SetPoint software prevents Billminder from opening, I
removed SetPoint and all is well now except I need that software!

Is there some other way to make the mouse middle button double click?
My arthritis makes that essential.


Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User


I'm glad you solved it. I haven't used billminder in about 10 years and
wasn't about to try to get it working just now.
Also glad that you like Vista. I'm crazy about it. I dual-boot into XP x64,
but I've just about run out of reasons to use XP x64 now. I give my
bootloader about 7 seconds before it automatically boots into Vista. I'm
about ready to shorten that time to two seconds. When I know I need XPx64,
I'll stand over my computer like a hawk when booting so I can catch it in
those two seconds.


Mike Hall - MS MVP said:
Contact Intuit and Logitech about it.. maybe they can help you..

Don't know who to talk to at Intuit, my emails were responded to by
someone who obviously didn't know anything about either Quicken OR
Vista. All he could do was cut and paste into an email parts of the
help files. Completely useless.

I'll see what Logitech has to say but Quicken and SetPoint work
together in XP 32 bit so who knows???

If their tech support is as pathetic as Intuit I'll waste a lot of

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