I need an answer . . .


Tom Lake

Retired said:
Mike, everyone should munge their email addresses in newsgroup posts, for
obvious reasons. Would you write your snail mail address on a post office

My address isn't there but my picture is!

Tom Lake


XS11E said:
I wish there were. There's no GNU/Linux application that replaces
Quicken. Several say they do but they don't, several say they can
import .qif files but that's not entirely true either. I've been using
gnucash but it's easier to reboot into Windows to do my money stuff and
since Quicken and TurboTax are the reasons I own a computer it makes
little sense to have a Linux distro on the computer (the same can be
said for Vista 64, it won't run Quicken properly, either.)

Quicken, Adobe Photo Shop and MS office can now be installed in Ubuntu
after installing the appropriate programs offered by Automatix2.



Mike Hall - MS MVP said:
Have you tried accessing the Quicken Forums?

Yes, thanks, also the Quicken newsgroups.

I've not received *any* response in the Quicken Forums and no useful
response in the newsgroup although there was one interesting point
made*, my guess is maybe nobody's running Vista 64 and Quicken?

*When I tried dragging Billminder to the startup folder I got a new and
different error message that Billminder couldn't find Qwutil.dll
although the file did exist and in the proper place. Someone in the
newsgroup suggested that maybe Billminder's failure to start was due to
it being in the Program Files (X86) folder rather than the Program
Files folder. I removed Quicken and re-installed in the root directory
but that didn't solve the problem, didn't have time to try installing
in the Program Files folder, not sure what might happen if I did?


Alias said:
Quicken, Adobe Photo Shop and MS office can now be installed in
Ubuntu after installing the appropriate programs offered by

Yes, CrossOver Office says it will allow Quicken to be installed also.
But it doesn't for me.

After many years I've realized Linux isn't going to do what I need done
and I've no more time or interest in fooling with it.

BTW, I really do NOT like Ubuntu, sorry. I'm currently running the
latest Mandriva which, unlike Ubuntu, will install my hardware
correctly. If I did decide Linux was it, it would have to be Mandriva,
it seems way more advanced than does Ubuntu. As always, YMMV.

Mike Hall - MS MVP


You have made public an allegation about me, and I am now requesting that
you send me an e-mail using your ISP mail address, reaffirming the
allegation.. I am sure that is not beyond your ability level..

I am still waiting..

Alias said:
OK, I'll bite, why else?



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User

Adam Albright


You have made public an allegation about me, and I am now requesting that
you send me an e-mail using your ISP mail address, reaffirming the
allegation.. I am sure that is not beyond your ability level..

When the hell you going to grow up?

Adam Albright

Usenet is not a place where one touts for any kind of business, neither is
it de rigueur for an MVP to tout for business in this way.. I take exception
to his remark, and request that he states his case in a personal e-mail
using his ISP address.. this assumes, of course that he has the guts,
something that he regularly accuses others of not having..

Damn, that's funny. If you didn't expect something from it, tell us
why you need to add MVP behind your name every time you post and why
most MVPs that have a web site make damn sure they have MVP plastered
all over that too. Seems the one doing to touting and self promoting
is you Mike.

Adam Albright

Oh come on. Grow up ferchrissakes. It's not as though he accused you of
trolling for underaged pussy.


You got to remember Charlie, MVPs typically have bloated egos, short
tempers and small brains. The combination is well, amusing. The funny
think it is a open secret that most MVPs troll these so-called support
newsgroup to promote themselves and whatever they're pushing. So for
Hall the complain about somebody else is the pot calling the kettle

Isaac Hunt

Doris Day said:
Isaac Hunt wrote:

XP, W2K and Win9x run fine in a vmplayer vm on Ubuntu. No problems

Love and Kisses,

Am I right in saying that you can't install XP for use in the player.
On the vmware site I couldn't see the file to play XP in vmware?
Do you know where i can get it?


Am I right in saying that you can't install XP for use in the player. On
the vmware site I couldn't see the file to play XP in vmware? Do you
know where i can get it?

This article in PCLINUXOS magazine may help you. It did me.


I installed a VMWARE XP virtual machine in PCLINUXOS.
You need a licensed copy of XP.
In addition to the instructions in the article...you need to search for
and install Perl using synaptic.



You have made public an allegation about me, and I am now requesting that
you send me an e-mail using your ISP mail address, reaffirming the
allegation.. I am sure that is not beyond your ability level..

I am still waiting..

I am still waiting for the answer to my question: why do you not munge
your email address if you aren't trolling for clients? Why do you
parade your MVP status on this group if you're not trolling for

The email I sent you was a mistake. I meant to post it to the
newsgroup. If you were offended by that, I'm sorry and hope you get
over it as soon as possible.


Doris Day

XS11E said:
Yes, CrossOver Office says it will allow Quicken to be installed also.
But it doesn't for me.

After many years I've realized Linux isn't going to do what I need done
and I've no more time or interest in fooling with it.

BTW, I really do NOT like Ubuntu, sorry. I'm currently running the
latest Mandriva which, unlike Ubuntu, will install my hardware
correctly. If I did decide Linux was it, it would have to be Mandriva,
it seems way more advanced than does Ubuntu. As always, YMMV.

If there is something from the Windoze world that you must be able to run on
your Linux desktop, then take a look at the free vmplayer from VMWare. It's
free and will let you install a Windoze os within a vm. It sure beats
dual-booting back to Windoze in order to run the odd Windoze app.

Love and Kisses,

Doris Day

Isaac said:
Am I right in saying that you can't install XP for use in the player.
On the vmware site I couldn't see the file to play XP in vmware?
Do you know where i can get it?

You need to create a virtual machine and install XP in that vm. An easy way
to get a vm that you can then use for this purpose is to create one online
here ...


Once you've done that, I can give you guidance on how to install vmware
tools so that you can use the XP vm easier. The tools will let your XP
desktop expand in size as you resize the vm window on your Linux desktop.

Love and Kisses,

Isaac Hunt

Bill said:
This article in PCLINUXOS magazine may help you. It did me.


I installed a VMWARE XP virtual machine in PCLINUXOS.
You need a licensed copy of XP.
In addition to the instructions in the article...you need to search for
and install Perl using synaptic.

Thanks for the link & to everyone else who replied to help me out.
I will try this at some point.

Got my new laptop now so i'll just go nuke the installation of Vista Home
Premium & boot from Ubuntu :)


Nina DiBoy

Mike said:

How about you e-mail me with that allegation using your ISP e-mail
address.. I'm waiting..

LOL! He really got under your skin when the truth hit home, eh?

Alias - he obviously won't ever be very successful because he is such a
snob all the time, LMAO.

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"hahaha...oh, I do detect a hint of jealousy or what! Where Darrell
actually helps people all you do is beg for attention. Shame on you! Go
get professional psychological clinical help with your obvious problems
and stop your bandwidth sucking bullshit postings in this ng. (rip,
snort, belch, burp, chuckle)"

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot

Hugh Wyn Griffith

Would you write your snail mail address on a post office 

Well if that's your opinion of this newsgroup ......

But I bet his address is a mater of public record.


Doris Day said:
If there is something from the Windoze world that you must be able
to run on your Linux desktop

There isn't.
It sure beats dual-booting back to Windoze in order to run the odd
Windoze app.

I don't dual-boot back to Windows (the use of the term "windoze" would
normally label you as too immature to bother answering, but I did liked
some of your movies! <G>), I run Windows to do all the useful work I do
with my computers. I dual boot to Linux occasionally for giggles.


XS11E wrote:
I run Windows to do all the useful work I do with my computers. I
dual boot to Linux occasionally for giggles.


Me too! :)
BTW, hows that Yamaha running?

Mike Hall - MS MVP


Why do you feel the need to use the term 'fanboy'?

john said:
It never is, is it fanboy?

Microsoft would have been a great name for a new brand of toilet paper


Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User

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