I need an answer . . .



Mike said:
Does Quicken 2007 run on Ubuntu?

As of the new Ubuntu update today, yes. So does MS Office and Adobe
Photo Shop, among other commercial programs.

would it be easy as all hell for the OP
to learn Ubuntu and run the program of his choice in a reasonable

Much easier than Vista.


Charles W Davis

Alias said:
As of the new Ubuntu update today, yes. So does MS Office and Adobe Photo
Shop, among other commercial programs.



Much easier than Vista.


Also today, the Ubuntu Forums "boasts" of 209,404 threads in their "Main
Support Categories." 29,178 threads under "Installation & Upgrades" Ubuntu
must be easy and problem free. In a thread titled: "Todays Updates killed
all sound in system you will find these words: "Well, those famous "todays
I let them be performed, and after reboot got no sound at all. The Volume
Control icon is displayed with red cross."

All is happy in the Ubuntu world!


Mike, everyone should munge their email addresses in newsgroup posts, for
obvious reasons. Would you write your snail mail address on a post office

Doris Day

Mike said:
Yours appears to be getting the better of you.. Quicken doesn't work in
Linux.. according to the website, Quicken 2007 Premier IS Vista
compatible.. the best advice is to go to the Quicken Forum, accessible
from the home page..
There are GNU/Linux software packages that can replace Windows
applications ...


Love and Kisses,

Peter Foldes


Couple of possibilities.

(1) Try and run IE without Add Ons. IE\Properties\Programs\Manage Add-ons and disable all Add-ons. If it works then add them back 1 by 1 until you find the culprit.

(2) You can be infected by malware\Spyware. Run multiple cleaners to check for it. Some include AdAware\Spybot\Hijack This and post it to the appropriate site,Run a couple of online AV Scans ,etc.

Isaac Hunt

Alias said:
Obsessive? I don't think so. Excited about a great product that needs no
activation or genuinizing is more like it. Safe Internet surfing is also a
plus. The fact that *everything* gets updated instead of having to know an
app has to be updated and then to have to go find the update on their web
site is marvelous. No one OS or Office suite per computer saves me a lot
of money. No anti virus or malware apps to update is a real time saver.
Oh, and no DRM crap like Vista has is really cool.

You obsessively getting your panties all up in a bunch anytime I mention
Ubuntu is priceless.

I usually try Linux every 2 years or so & did again this weekend.

First off, I downloaded a Mandriva 2007 DVD.
Setup went ok, but my wireless adapter wasn't setup & the error was that I
needed files only available in the commercial version of Mandriva.

So I booted from the Ubuntu 6.10 CD & it launched the live environment.
On the desktop there was an option to install Ubuntu to disk so I did so,
setup was real easy.

On first start, all my devices were setup correctly including wireless
networking which just needed the router password.
Then Ubuntu update downloaded a load of updates..

I plugged in my usb flash & 2 external usb disks & all were recognised ok.
File copying from these disks was much faster than in Vista or XP.

Then tried to play an MP3...no sound....hmmm.
Opened Firefox & to the Ubuntu support page...spent 2 mins reading
instructions on installing the codecs required which involved copying a
command into a terminal window which downloaded the relevent files &
instaled them.

2 mins later I was listening to mp3s.

I'm very impressed with Ubuntu.
If it had been available when I setup my parents machine with XP, i'd have
used it instead & saved the cash, it has all they use right out of the box.

I have a new laptop coming on Monday with Vista, I was going to install XP
to it, but if I can use Ubuntu, I will do.
My only stumbling block is that I have years of financial records stored in
MS Money.
I've tried Gnucash & Moneydance & neither seem to import my account info
accurately & I can't afford to lose that info.

Maybe I can run XP home in a VMware window?
I've used vmplayer in XP to run linux, but not the other way round.
If I can do that, i'd use that to run MS money & use Ubuntu.

Isaac Hunt

Alias said:
As of the new Ubuntu update today, yes. So does MS Office and Adobe Photo
Shop, among other commercial programs.

Quicken will run on Ubuntu?

I tried crossover office which allowed me to run quicken in linux before,
but the display was crap so I din't use it.

They stop making quicken for the UK, will an international version work with
UK currency?
I don't use online banking so that's not an issue.
Maybe Quicken will import my MS money files?

Isaac Hunt

Also today, the Ubuntu Forums "boasts" of 209,404 threads in their "Main
Support Categories." 29,178 threads under "Installation & Upgrades" Ubuntu
must be easy and problem free. In a thread titled: "Todays Updates killed
all sound in system you will find these words: "Well, those famous "todays
I let them be performed, and after reboot got no sound at all. The Volume
Control icon is displayed with red cross."

All is happy in the Ubuntu world!

No it isn't all rosey.
But the ubuntu forums are also full of repetitive posts from morons who
don't read a forum before posting.
This group is the same.
How many times has there been posts about the time servers being down this
last week?

....but then my Vista installation went ok.
I just don't like it.


Retired said:
Mike, everyone should munge their email addresses in newsgroup posts, for
obvious reasons. Would you write your snail mail address on a post office

Cause he trolls the newsgroups looking for clients, why else?


Doris Day

Isaac Hunt wrote:

Maybe I can run XP home in a VMware window?
I've used vmplayer in XP to run linux, but not the other way round.
If I can do that, i'd use that to run MS money & use Ubuntu.

XP, W2K and Win9x run fine in a vmplayer vm on Ubuntu. No problems

Love and Kisses,


Mike Hall - MS MVP said:
Yours appears to be getting the better of you.. Quicken doesn't
work in Linux.. according to the website, Quicken 2007 Premier IS
Vista compatible..

I wish it were. I'm running Vista 64 and have problems with Quicken,
the most troublesome one for me being the inability of starting the
Billminder application.

Mike Hall - MS MVP


I do not hide behind an alias such that I can say what I like without
recourse, or such that I do not get my ID harvested. It is out there for all
to see, and freely accessible.. I have no intention of changing what I do..

Retired said:
Mike, everyone should munge their email addresses in newsgroup posts, for
obvious reasons. Would you write your snail mail address on a post office


Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User


Doris Day said:
There are GNU/Linux software packages that can replace Windows
applications ...

I wish there were. There's no GNU/Linux application that replaces
Quicken. Several say they do but they don't, several say they can
import .qif files but that's not entirely true either. I've been using
gnucash but it's easier to reboot into Windows to do my money stuff and
since Quicken and TurboTax are the reasons I own a computer it makes
little sense to have a Linux distro on the computer (the same can be
said for Vista 64, it won't run Quicken properly, either.)

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