I am shocked.



jane wrote:

am i makin' myself clear gov'?

Yes. You are trying to prey upon the grief of others, to push your

May you one day seek forgiveness for your insensitivity.


"Answer not a FOOL according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him"
Prov 26:4
"Answer a FOOL according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit"
Prov 26:4

It's the latter I will answer you by... The scripture say's Jesus wept at
the grave of Lazarus. Do you know why that was? It was because he saw the
grief that death had caused. Death separates, (no matter what you believe
happens after we pass on) and not only does it separate but it causes
sorrow. You should be more Christ like and no matter how you felt David
Candy came across, be sensitive to what he was feeling at the time. Instead
of spouting off with your foolish words to him.


Jim Eshelman

jane said:
David Candy,,,,
I am sorry in one way to intervene, but on my other hand I am
wondering about your sensuliation of the whole thing.

A bit off topic, eh wot?

Sharon F

I only read XP groups these days. Apologies to non XP groups if this has
been handled.

Those that know me know I am overwhelmed with grief for the last while
(I failed to save a life two saturdays ago). This is someone else's

But I see no mention of our very long term helper's death in these

Get your act together MVPs.

Sorry to hear of both of your losses, David. It is hard enough to bear one
at a time. Very difficult to deal with multiples. Will be thinking of you.

David Candy

Alex I think was a natural part of life. We live then die. The group needs to honour such people. The other two deaths were not "natural". One was someone who decided to die at 62 and had refused an ambulance for 6 months. 10 minutes before he stopped breathing he again refused an ambulace. My strategy was to get him to agree to an ambulance. After he could no longer talk we called the ambulance. About 12 hours too late. If one can't say NO to an ambulance then one gets called. Tough luck if you don't like it. But waiting for someone to become unconscious sucks.

The other was possible murder whose photos I recieved today. But more likely is kids playing with matches.


David Candy said:
But understand. The dieee is not the point. The survivors and group cohesion are the point. The desd person is desd and doesn't care. It is the live people that care. As it always has been and always will be.


"David Candy" <.> wrote in message I also know that one is insignificant is an important thought. Especially if one faces one's own impending death.


"David Candy" <.> wrote in message I don't know about your babble.

I do know that it is due to me that anyone can die at home with the local hospital picking up the tab for oxygen rather than for ONLY cancer patients.

I also know that Alex belonged here, as well as other places.

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