https causes IE to crash when downloading PDF file




Opening a PDF file over an https secure connection is
causing IE to bring up a "Send Error Report" to Microsoft.
You click "Don't send" and IE crashes and exits. I can fix
it on my own system by going to Tools - Internet Options -
Security tab - Custom Level - Miscellaneous - And
setting "Display Mixed Content" to Enable instead of

However, the majority of my customers use IE and are
getting this error and calling me. Other browsers work
fine. I have tested this on 7 different computers with
either XP or 2000 (IE 6.0 and greater) and 4 of the 7 had
the problem. Any ideas on how I can correct this to help
stop the phone calls? I'm using PDFLIB to generate the
PDF document.

Don Varnau

This may help:
812935 - Internet Explorer Cannot Download Error Message When You Use an
HTTPS URL to Open an Office Document or PDF File:
The easiest workaround is to uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to disk"
in Internet Options> Advanced> Security.

It might help if your customers put your site in their Trusted Sites list.

Hope this helps,

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