Foxmail problem


Luis Cobian

Hello Spacey

Not for those who can afford it. It is the superior solution.

Well, I realize you are kidding. Sorry, I didn't understand your sense of
humor :)
I think this
is why ACF users prefer ini files... they are maintenance free.

A well used registry is also manteinence free

I edit the registry. I edit ini files. It's up to the user to decide
if they are up to it, or are you saying they do not have the right to
choose? May I ask... do you live in China? Perhaps the Chinese are on
to something here. After all, the average citizen does not know best
what is right, and they should be protected. Come to think of it, I
agree with you completely. I shall stop editing these things.

Well, believe it or not, I get more than 4 letters EVErY WEEKof users having
problems with Cobian Backup because they have edited the ini file manually

a) Accidentally introduced illegal characters (the option dialog box checks
for it)
b) Don't realize that long file names should be introduced between quotes
c) introduuce dates in wrong format, etc

Just realize that just because you do that , the average user don't. So,
NEVER EVER EVER EVER let the user edit your ini file directly. So much coan
potentially go wrong there.

Just saying that, I love both methods. I tend to use ini files more BUT, the
registry is just too good some times and offers a LOT of advantages. The
registry is no more than a glorified meta ini file. What is better a hammer
or a chainsaw? Both are tools.

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