First shots with Lumix LX7


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I did manage to get out on Thursday and took a trip to the park for initial testing of the camera, Not many pics but few here and will post some more tomorrow when I again get outdoors hoping to head to another part of town.

Here is the link to the gallery.

LX7 - First impressions

Very nice indeed Quad.

What a good shot that is of the squirrel, he looks very happy to pose for you.

I have to ask about the railway (railroad) line... it seems to be in an unusual setting, (making it a good subject for a photo imho.) But, is it still in use and, if it is, where does it go?

Love the way you were able to capture the rainbow.

As always, looking forward to seeing more. :thumb:
Thank you guys for the feedback. :nod:

The railroad track is very much in use and is a major attraction in the Hermann Park. It takes visitors around the park and passes through all the main attractions. The engine and the bogies are old style painted in red and the visitors love it. I did not take any shots of the train itself but here is a link for your reference.

As for the rainbow it was not something I was prepared for but more of a surprise for me. What actually happened was that while I was in the Japanese garden the automated sprinkler system came on and I was trying to dodge it so as not to get drenched but I did end up in that state, luckily I sheilded the camera with my body and only few drops got onto it. The rainbow lasted few seconds only and I missed it the first time so I waited for the second round making sure I was in the correct position vis a vis the light and the angle at which it formed. I knew I had just few seconds so I aimed it in the right direction and was able to capture it. All in all a rewarding experience so to speak. Being wet on my back side was also nice in the hot weather where the temp was like in the 90's.:cool:

I found a nice video of the train in Hermann Park.

Especially for you :D

Great vid Quad, I love them trains :)

Interesting camera pix too - thanks for posting. Looking good.
:DGreat photo's Quad and enjoyed the video, I did not realize Texas was so green but is it like Nevada mainly desert and like Las Vegas green in towns where they irrigate?.
:DGreat photo's Quad and enjoyed the video, I did not realize Texas was so green but is it like Nevada mainly desert and like Las Vegas green in towns where they irrigate?.

You are absolutely right about that one you are outside of city limits it gets really boring with all that flatland and heat. The cities are well kept in terms of greenery. There are plenty of parks and recreation places in Houston. Even the housing area in the sub divisions are very much green and well kept.
Thank you for posting that video Quad. It was most enjoyable, and, like Flopps, we love those little trains too. Perfect miniature versions of their bigger brothers... even to the cow-catcher on the front.

I can understand them being popular with tourists, it would be a really pleasant way to enjoy the scenery around that lovely park.

Aww, sorry to hear you - er - wet your pants, so to speak.:lol: However, it was worth it for a very nice photo. :nod:
luckily I sheilded the camera with my body and only few drops got onto it.

Don't have that problem with my K-30 as it is waterproof :lol:

Nice shot of the tracks :thumb: An the rainbow is pretty cool too