Error Number: 0x8009000B when trying to send mail


Steve Cochran

Well, I'm stumped. Sounds like some dll got messed up or something is not
working properly. I can't pin it down though. Does telnet work?



Telnet... haven't even attempted. Is there any way to reinstall the Mail app
short of reinstalling the OS? It isn't worth it to me to make it go. I am
fine using Thunderbird or Outlook for now, but it bothers me that it is still
not working... Just doesn't make any sense. Like you said, there HAS to be
something screening the files as they come down... something like an AV or
anti-spyware, firewall... SOMETHING...

But all I have install is MS products.

Oh well... This stuff is all in beta for a reason I guess...

Thanks for all of your help anyway.

Steve Cochran

You can try going to Control Panel | Programs | Set Program Access and
defaults and set OE default and see if that fixes it.

I'm not convinced its a problem with WinMail per se, rather than the means
by which WinMail connects, and so that's why I suggested telnetting.



I set it to default, but still no change.

Explain what you are thinking with telnet, please.

Steve Cochran

I just wanted to see that you could telnet to the servers to verify you
could connect that way.

Its just diagnostic though. It won't fix the problem. I'm stumped on this
one. That's one reason not to do multiple betas at once.



No need to telnet to answer that question. I can successfully get my mail
from this exact account using Outlook 2007 and Thunderbird both. So the
glitch definitely related to Microsoft Mail (or something that is trying to
scan MS Mail).

So, fortunately I have at least 3 working options (Outlook, Thunderbird,

So, no big deal, but I am quite curious to say the least.

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