Epson Printer Problem

May 31, 2019
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Not sure if this is the right place but.......
My Epson printer XP-4100 is 3 years old and suddenly has decided not to print anything Black!!
So, no text - nothing. Other colours appear OK.
I've Cleaned the heads, I've checked the Nozzzles - more than once.
Tried two black cartridges which I had already and then one just purchased..... Nothing.
Any ideas what I can do - apart from buy a new printer?
We stopped using and buying cartridge inkjet printers. Even when refilling our own cartridges, it was too expensive.
We purchased a Canon G3200 that uses ink bottles, and the ink cost savings has paid for the printer in a year.

Epson also makes a printer that uses ink bottles.
I once had a similar problem. I found that many people solved this by changing the Paper Setting to Glossy Paper. There seemed to be no logical reason for this solution but it did work for the majority and they were very happy.

Easy to try and nothing to lose. :)
It could be a blockage between the cartridge and the print head as using "head clean" facility will not fix this. You can try a cartridge filled with neat cleaning fluid and print a large black shape not text.. This should saturate the the area of the shape with dirty and fluid and eventually clear fluid.

If you cannot print with neat cleaning fluid after a couple of attempts it s probably an electronic fault - possibily a break in the head ribbon cable.
Thanks everyone. I bought a head cleaning kit and flushed them out with the fluid provided. That, and a few print head cleans seemed to do the trick.
I once had a similar problem. I found that many people solved this by changing the Paper Setting to Glossy Paper. There seemed to be no logical reason for this solution but it did work for the majority and they were very happy.

Easy to try and nothing to lose. :)
There is a logical reason - changing the paper type allows more or less ink through as does changing the print quality from to standard to "best, high or photo", however this does indicate a blockage in the print head if you have to do this and remedial action may be eventually required