DVD drive won't recognise some discs



Can anyone help me? I've have played several discs through my computer
that have been rented from the DVD store, but my drive won't recognise
two of the discs at all. When I insert the same two discs none of my
computer programs even recognise there is a disc in the drive (Even if
I explore the drive). As far as the computer tells me the drive is
empty! I have tried several times with both discs and rebooting with
the disc in the drive. Anyone got any ideas?? Would appreciate some
feedback please!!

Detlev Dreyer

thanks for your suggestions, but neither link could help me with my

Well, sounds like a hardware issue. Probably the drive is going south.
Try playing the DVD's using another computer in order to find out.


The drive is 2 weeks old, so I hope it's not going south!!! The DVD
will play on my DVD player, but I don't have another computer to try it
out on! It just seems strange that 8 out of 10 DVDs didn't have a
problem - and they weren't the last 2 either?!

Detlev Dreyer

The drive is 2 weeks old, so I hope it's not going south!!!

If the entire system is brandnew, you may want to contact the vendor.
The DVD will play on my DVD player, but I don't have another computer
to try it out on! It just seems strange that 8 out of 10 DVDs didn't
have a problem - and they weren't the last 2 either?!

If the previous drive has been replaced, this article *may* apply:
"You Cannot View the Files on a Disc After You Replace a CD-R or CD-RW
Drive with a DVD or CD-ROM Drive"

However, since 8 out of 10 DVDs work, this is no Windows problem most



Yes the entire system is only two weeks old. I'm hoping it's maybe
something to do with the discs, as all other operations with any other
discs are fine!? I think I'll just have to resort to not playing these
discs on my computer!
Thanks for your efforts!

Detlev Dreyer

Yes the entire system is only two weeks old. I'm hoping it's maybe
something to do with the discs, as all other operations with any other
discs are fine!?

Well, problems have been reported concerning discs using sort of copy
protection (Alpha DVD) or DVD Authoring systems (Spruce Technologies).
Thanks for your efforts!

You're certainly welcome.

the guru

What is different about the 2 that won't play? Did you burn them?

The most common problem is that they weren't finalized, or don't appear
to be.

Try a recovery program like CD & DVD Recovery (
http://www.tech-pro.net/cd-dvd-recovery.html ) If it can see files on
the disc then you know that it isn't a fault with the drive, but an
incompatibility with the software that made it.

The PC Guru: www.the-pc-guru.com

Wolf Kirchmeir

Can anyone help me? I've have played several discs through my computer
that have been rented from the DVD store, but my drive won't recognise
two of the discs at all. When I insert the same two discs none of my
computer programs even recognise there is a disc in the drive (Even if
I explore the drive). As far as the computer tells me the drive is
empty! I have tried several times with both discs and rebooting with
the disc in the drive. Anyone got any ideas?? Would appreciate some
feedback please!!

One possibility:
If the disks are recent, you may be seeing the effect of DRM (Digital
Rights Management.) To make copying DVDs more difficult, manufacturers
are beginning to include code on the disk that prevents your computer
from playing the disk, or (as in your case) even seeing it. There are
3rd party (non-Microsoft) programs that defeat these measures, but until
the Supreme Court decides that Fair Use has been violated by DRM, such
programs are, um, of doubtful legality in the USA. Maximum PC's current
issue has such programs on the included CD, however.

Other posters have suggested other possibilities.

Good luck!


Thanks guru - I'll give the link a go ... as far as what is different
about the discs - I have no idea - they were just among 10 discs I
borrowed from the DVD library! I can't figure it out - It's the first
time I've had this problem.


Thanks for your reply. The discs are recent, but all the discs I rented
were recent, and all had an icon on the back of the case saying "copy
protected" but all the others played without a problem. I'm googling
DRM defeating.


OK - Just tried a DVD recovery program and it told me the drive was
empty and couldnt recover any files from the disc.

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