Copying and pasting from Word 2002 to FrontPage 2002


Gringa Loca

My husband has decided that he wants a web for his nearly daily
writings. Similar to a blog, but with more control. He wants to be
able to pick and choose from the responses that he posts.

I have built a number of web sites using FrontPage 2002 and earlier
versions, but I've never had this problem before. My husband sends me
his formatted text with his choices of fonts... Comic Sans MS,
sizes...9 pt, paragraph spacing...9pt, paragraph indentation...1 inch
on either side for some paragraphs. We also figured out how to create
a template with styles that he can apply to the various paragraphs in
Word, and that has helped a lot. So, theoretically, all is well within

After he finishes saving his file, he sends it to me as an e-mail
attachment. I open it and copy it into a page in FrontPage. The
results vary, depending on the filetype he uses (we've been
experimenting), but none produces the correct font display when that
FrontPage page is viewed from Internet Explorer, Mozilla, or Mozilla

I have played around with copying it from one page to another and back
again in FrontPage and also in Word, just to see if the HTML that's
driving the whole business is changing behind the scenes somehow. Even
in the best case, I still have to do some re-formatting, and I'm in the
process of practicing with styles in FP just to make my re-formatting
efforts easier.

The site is

Your help would certainly be appreciated.

Chuck Davis

You should remove all formatting before pasting into FrontPage. You may use
Paste Special or copy and paste into Notepad, then copy and paste into
FrontPage. Then format to come close to what your husband would like to see.
It won't/can't be exact.

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