combo USB 2.0 & Firewire cardbus card


David Neaderland

I have XP Pro (updated as of 05/12/2004) on a Compaq
Presario 1800T (18XL4) and am trying to use a combo USB
2.0 & 1394 card in the PCMCIA slot. USB 1 devices work
fine but USB 2 devices don't. Some fail or won't start.
If I plug an older 4-port hub into the USB 2.0 card and
hook up these devices to the hub, they then work fine.

I have quite a bit of time in on this and would
appreciate any thoughts (posotive ones only, thanks).


David Neaderland

Yes, XP Pro: Build 2600.xpsp2.03422-1633(Service Pack 1)
I now check daily for any critical or driver updates.

Any thoughts?

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