Marek Kalisz

Very often when rebooting/turning off after "Saving your settings" screen
shows "Closing network connections..." then system is closing them, closing,
closing... for hours. The only way I could stop this was to turn power
switch off/on then restart computer. Something is going wrong but I have no
idea where for what to look to correct it.
Any suggestions/ideas?
Marek Kalisz

Marek Kalisz

Home/SoHo network. Adapter: Marvell Yukon 85E8053 Gigabit Ethernet
Controller (on M/B). Latest available drivers. No domain. Some shares
(printers/shared drive on main computer). Router: Linksys BEFSX41 Firmware
1.45.3 (09/26/03) (it has a newer firmware but abt. 2 years ago after (
upgraded I had terrible problems with this router and technical support
finaly suggested that I coma beck to the older firmware). Also, often I
have to check setting and again connect to PPoP manually.
Marek Kalisz


i have the same troubles with the same network adapter! we have this
problem on 2 asus laptops.

Marek Kalisz

Late comment: on my two computers connected into small network only one
shows this problem. Each computer has different network adapter. So,
through logical elimination the culprit might be Linksys router. I also
tried to upgrade the firmware to newest (1.5). Proces didn't finish and I'm
still working with a firmware from 2003 (1.4 something). Maybe time came to
look for something newer...
Marek Kalisz

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