Can't read XP computer from Win 98; XP to 98 is good



I am unable to read contents on a networked XP computer from a Win 98
machine. There is no problem with reading the Win 98 computer from the XP.
Firewalls and virus protection have been disabled. Anyone with suggestions?


I am unable to read contents on a networked XP computer from a Win 98
machine. There is no problem with reading the Win 98 computer from the XP.
Firewalls and virus protection have been disabled. Anyone with suggestions?


Check for a browser conflict between the WinXP computer and the Win98 computer.
I"m not talking about Internet Explorer here. The browser is the program that
allows any computer to see any other computer on the LAN. The browsers for
WinXP (WinNT/2K/XP) and Win98 (Win95/98/ME) don't work well together on the same

Make sure the browser service is running on the WinXP computer. Control Panel -
Administrative Tools - Services. Verify that the Computer Browser, and the
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper, services both show with Status = Started. Disable the
browser on the Win98 computer:

After checking / disabling / enabling as above, power both computers off to
reset the browser settings on each. Once both computers have been powered off,
power them back on.

Is this XP Home or XP Pro?

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck sonic net.

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