Cannot repair or reinstall Internet explorer on Winxp SP2


Peter Foldes

what errors are you generating. Do you get an error. Can you post the
exact error message. Describe the issues associated with IE.


The error message is Setup has detected a newer version of Internet Explorer
already installed on this system
Setup cannot continue

Thanks for all your help



And also when i right click on the message in outlook express and click on
reply to group it opens up the mail message but its minimized and will not
open up even after using the Alt+Tab keys i will manually have to minimize
the parent window and then it then opens up i guess my internet explorer is
corrupt i would like to repair it or reinstall it


Simon Brown

Santosh said:
Hi Group

This is a weird problem according to the microsoft KB article;EN-US;318378 i have
followed the instructions but still i cannot install or repair internet
explorer on a windows XP SP2 box i dont have anyother thing in mymind as to
what i need to do i have searched the internet but in vain

Thanks for all your help


Try this
1. Pop the XP CD in drive
2. Go to 'START' / 'RUN' and paste the following in the box (without the
quotes) "rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132
c:\windows\inf\ie.inf" Click 'OK'

That should reinstall IE; Worked for me.



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