Dave said:
I cannot open or save Windows Mail attachments.
Welcome to the Club! <eg>
It seems that you too get bitten by the IE8-WinMail bug which affects man
systems (though not the majority) after installing IE8.
What makes me wonder is your last sentence on reverting back to IE7.
Is the problem still existing after uninstalling IE8??
Are you running any AntiVirus protection?
I have observed the process with procmon the sequence of events
is as follows.
Attachment is E013982279S15.pdf
What happens when you try to open a PDF?
Does the associated application (which one?) open then error with "file not
In addition (as the problem has several variations):
Does the problem appear with PDF attachments only?
Did you test with other file types?
Which error messages?
How about JPG and TXT files (the system reacts different with those)?
Winmail creates a file in the temporary location.
Where the temporary file is created depends on the settings for the path in
the "Start in:"-filed of the shortcut used for launching WinMail.
The entry in the said field by default can be different: My Business 32
system had the default of c:\program files\winmail (which is wrong), a
fresh install of Enterprise 32 SP1 English came wit %UserProfile (which is
With the settings fro the program's directory the problem affects all types
of attachments.
Office apps come up with error messages saying that the file could not be
found in "C:\windows\system32 (for sure not a location for a temporary file
<!>), Acrobat and Adobe Reader open and say the file could not be found. TXT
and JPG attachment produce the same short error message that the file could
not be found.
If the path in the shortcut is set to a directory with writing permissions
(f.e. %Temp% or %UserProfile%) the temporary files for almost all files are
created there.
TXT and JPG files are always opened in a subdirectory of "Content.IE5".
When the path is empty all temporary files are created in a subdirectory of
Winmail the calls C:\Program Files\Defender\MpOAV.dll
This is really strange .
But it seems to be an important part of information.
Winmail then apparently deletes the file
Can anyone tell me how to prevent the call to Defender?
My other Vista computer doesn't do this.
No idea so far. I could not even find it under "Services" :-(
I installed IE8 and reverted back to IE7 in an attempt to fix the
As asked above: Does the problem persist?
Finally: I have been after the bug for many weeks.
But as I am almost illiterate with viewing events and never worked with
ProcMon I could not get into the internals deep enough.
Could you pls give me instructions on how to reproduce your steps?
Thanks for the details in your report. I'd hope we might get closer
Sam Hobbs is also experimenting with ProcMon. Pls see his thread
"Diagnosing: Windows cannot find ....", starting on June 06,
[email protected]