Cannot install or upgrade applications



I have been unable to install new applications or upgrades to my Dell laptop
running XP SP2. I've been getting the message that I have to be the
administrator in order to do this. So today I started my laptop in Safe Mode,
and signed on as "the" administrator to try to install PhotoShop Elements 5.
It wouldn't install. I got an error message that tells me that the
application has to close. When I sent the error report to Microsoft and
clicked on "more information" it told me that "this problem was caused by
Windows. Microsoft has no solution for this problem at this time."
So then I tried to do it by going to "add programs" in control panel. I got
a pop up window that said, "The system administrator has set policies to
prevent this installation."

I'm now unable to install ANY applications or upgrades, not just Adobe

Thanks for your help,


I have been unable to install new applications or upgrades to my Dell laptop
running XP SP2. I've been getting the message that I have to be the
administrator in order to do this. So today I started my laptop in Safe Mode,
and signed on as "the" administrator to try to install PhotoShop Elements 5.
It wouldn't install. I got an error message that tells me that the
application has to close. When I sent the error report to Microsoft and
clicked on "more information" it told me that "this problem was caused by
Windows. Microsoft has no solution for this problem at this time."
So then I tried to do it by going to "add programs" in control panel. I got
a pop up window that said, "The system administrator has set policies to
prevent this installation."

I'm now unable to install ANY applications or upgrades, not just Adobe

Thanks for your help,

I r-e-a-l-l-y don't know for sure if this will help - but you never
I DO know it won't cause nay harm - I'v used it .
go to and have a read - and download.
a "google" on dial-a-fix" will bring up several other sites to read
about it - though most are same or similar info'.

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