bounced message notification bytes in the mailbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter ppearl
  • Start date Start date


all incoming emails have this message:

A message was sent to you that was returned to the sender(bounced)
because it would have caused your mailbox quota to be exceeded.

The following is the reason that the message was over quota:

Quota Type: bytes in the mailbox
Quota Available: 0
Total Quota: 102400000

ive deleted quite a few older messages, there should be plenty of room,
what to do?

thank you
Log on to your mail server and check the various folders on your server
using the webmail interface. Some servers dump junk mail into a folder and
that may be why yours has filled up.

Who provides your email service? Or to ask that question another way,
what is the part of your email address after the @ symbol?
Can you access your mail account from the website of your ISP? They should
have a link to your mail from there and then you can access it that way.

Try this: and use the same username and
password you use for the account, if I guess your ISP correctly.

I am having the same problem as 'ppearl'. I have deleted all my unwanted
mail, I checked all of my folders (don't have that many), and I still cannot
receive mail. I'm getting the same message that my mailbox is full. Help.

The error message refers to your mailbox on the server, not your mail
folder in Windows Mail. Use your browser to go to your provider's webmail
site and do your cleanup there. If after doing so you still get an error message,
post the complete error message.
Thank you - now I understand (I don't understand why when I delete in windows
it doesn't delete everywhere, but oh well). thanks
Windows Mail can be configured to delete downloaded emails from
the server: Go to Tools, Accounts, select your mail account, Properties,
Advanced, find the setting "Leave a copy of messages on server."
Under that are two options for delayed auto-deleting emails from the server,
or you can have them deleted immediately.
I have deleted from saved, etc. Still get the "bounced message
motification". How can I increase the "bytes"?
Your Inbox on the email SERVER is full, not the Inbox on your computer.
Go to your email account's webmail portal and delete some old messages.
Go to RoadRunner's website and click on the Mail button and log on that way
and delete the messages there.
