Fenton Beasley
Windows XP Pro
I don't know why or what I've done, but Windows will not notify me
when there are any updates anymore.
I have, "Notify me but don't automatically download or install them"
selected in Automatic updates, but Windows has given up even notifying
me (no more yellow shield in the systray). This has been going on for
months now. I have deleted the C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution folder.
Still no notification.
Any ideas?
I don't know why or what I've done, but Windows will not notify me
when there are any updates anymore.
I have, "Notify me but don't automatically download or install them"
selected in Automatic updates, but Windows has given up even notifying
me (no more yellow shield in the systray). This has been going on for
months now. I have deleted the C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution folder.
Still no notification.
Any ideas?