Jeff Bean
I downloaded the RTM version of SP2 for Windows XP using my MSDN account
today, but it failed to install on my XP Pro SP1 system.
The tail end of the svcpack.log file contains these lines:
647.266: Copied file:
647.344: Copied file:
656.125: PruneCatalogsFromHotfixes:RegQueryValueEx Failed: 0x2
658.703: Num Ticks for Copying files : 384343
659.891: DoRegistryUpdates:SetupInstallFromInfSection Failed for
ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install error: 0x5
659.891: INF_REGISTRY Failed
659.891: DoInstallation
oRegistryUpdates failed
666.125: Unregistration of sprecovr successful
666.125: Access is denied.
727.578: Message displayed to the user: Access is denied.
727.578: User Input: OK
727.578: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made.
731.172: Message displayed to the user: Service Pack 2 installation did
not complete.
Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made.
731.172: User Input: OK
731.188: Starting process:
C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\spuninst.exe /~ -u -z
1029.828: Software Update Rollback has completed with return code 0xbc2.
This rollback requires a reboot.
1029.828: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
I tried this twice. The second time I shut down all non-Microsoft
processes and services, but the results were the same.
Anybody got any ideas on what to try next?
Jeff Bean
CWC Software
Email address is: jeff at cwcsoftware.com
today, but it failed to install on my XP Pro SP1 system.
The tail end of the svcpack.log file contains these lines:
647.266: Copied file:
647.344: Copied file:
656.125: PruneCatalogsFromHotfixes:RegQueryValueEx Failed: 0x2
658.703: Num Ticks for Copying files : 384343
659.891: DoRegistryUpdates:SetupInstallFromInfSection Failed for
ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install error: 0x5
659.891: INF_REGISTRY Failed
659.891: DoInstallation

666.125: Unregistration of sprecovr successful
666.125: Access is denied.
727.578: Message displayed to the user: Access is denied.
727.578: User Input: OK
727.578: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made.
731.172: Message displayed to the user: Service Pack 2 installation did
not complete.
Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made.
731.172: User Input: OK
731.188: Starting process:
C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\spuninst.exe /~ -u -z
1029.828: Software Update Rollback has completed with return code 0xbc2.
This rollback requires a reboot.
1029.828: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
I tried this twice. The second time I shut down all non-Microsoft
processes and services, but the results were the same.
Anybody got any ideas on what to try next?
Jeff Bean
CWC Software
Email address is: jeff at cwcsoftware.com