A different opinion of 77 years!

May 14, 2005
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To "cool dude ". Re your "Must be very old!" You are only as old as you feel in body and in soul, yes I am 77 but I do NOT FEEL VERY OLD!
I walk my wonderful dog, I make love to my wonderful wife, I grow wonderful vegetables, and I spend hours on my wonderful computer, do you do all that at 17?
I hope that if you live to be 77, you will not feel VERY OLD!
Cheerio I am off to my garden.
Dear Gotcha

On this site we are blessed with people from all over the world, of different ages and from different cultures.

We all have something to offer and that (in my humble opinion) makes this different from other sites.

You are very welcome to be part of our site and I hope that you will stay around and chat with us.

Kind regards

Gabriella x
i was thinking to your garden! at 10 o'clock lol!

but then i relised 'gotcha' lives in Canada :P lol

Quadophile said:
I can do all you state but not at the same time :D
Quad, that really tickled me :)

Gabriella said:
On this site we are blessed with people from all over the world, of different ages and from different cultures.

We all have something to offer and that (in my humble opinion) makes this different from other sites.

You are very welcome to be part of our site and I hope that you will stay around and chat with us.
Gabriella, you put that accross so very well, and i share your sentiments.
What cache-man said :)

Quad, hush up, you be making me laugh too much ;)

gotcha: cool, hope I still doing the same thing then. Truly would be a good thing :)
Hmm... with the way government is working now in the US I don't think I'll have a choice but be that active, I proably won't be able to retire with full benefits until my 70's.

And besides, we can think of you as a sensai from an old Kung-Fu movie. Crazy old, bald head beard to the floor. Slow walking and speaks silently. But in a blink of an eye has you crying on the floor begging for mercy. For all you youngins who didn't watch the old Kung Fu movies, think Kill Bill.
gotcha at 77

when u signed up did the pc review birth date go back to your year of birth then?

1928!!!! or 1929!!!

wow thats truly remarkabe

so u have lived through WW2!

do u have many memories of this?
To psd99, "Do I have any memories of WW2?" Yes indeed, as I mentioned earlier in the forum, I have just finished one year writing my autobiography, Titled, *Bullied. Abused. and Bewildered" it is the truth from 6 years old to now, and very, very unusual happenings by the way I was bullied, my hatred of being evacuated, by the way I was sexually abused, by the way I found out who my mother was on my 13th birthday, by the way I was hated by the ships crew (1000 men) in the British Royal Navy, by the way I was hated by fellow Policemen in my 10 years as a cop!
Now I am having problems to find a knowledgeable person to edit it for me and put in into chapters so that I can get it published, and I am sure that any kids that read this and found themselves it the same circumstances would then know what to do!
I was going to post parts of it on this forum, but was told not to because I could loose the copyright!
It sounds like you've been through an awful lot, and I admire the fact that you have the courage to tell other people who may also be suffering. It takes a very special kind of person to experience things like that and come out the other side with an aim to helping others.

I hope you find an editor :)
If you quote it and then put "Copyright 2005 'Gotcha' - All Rights Reserved, None of the material may be copied or used without the authors prior permission" after the text i'm sure your copyright will be fine...

So you were in the Navy?
Before it is pulished, it is better not to disclose the contents.
Quad's right on this one!!

Welcome again Gotcha and good to have you around.

Gabriella x