77 years

May 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hi to all.
Yes 77 years old on Sept.2nd this year, how about that. Love my Wife, my Dog, Growing great vegetables, and my computer,(mainly D/L movies!)
Just finished one year of writing my autobiography from 6 years to now (first book and last,what a job!) It is called
"Bullied, Abused .and Bewilldered" and is absolutely true.
It is about sexual abuse, terrible time in the British Royal Navy and not too good 10 years as a Policeman.
Now I have to find some clever soul who can make it "come alive" and put it into chapters, then the kids of today might learn how to handle what I could not!
Cheerio and have a nice day whereever you are.
Not too good 10 years as a policeman? Whys that? I am considering a career in the police force... Looks interesting.

The book sounds VERY interesting...
Welcome to our part of cyberspace :)

We can all learn a lot from you:thumb:
Well it is NOT the Police Department as a whole that I had conflicts with, it was just unluckey circumstances. Do you want to read it here or in your PM?
In any case I will have to cut that chapter out of my story so it would be a couple of days!
wotcha gotcha :D

sorry to hear about them bad experiences :(

Did you emigrate to Canada then?

Chris: I thought you were all set on becoming a pilot?

Whatchoo gonna do in the police force then? Fly the tracker helicopter? ;)
floppybootstomp said:
wotcha gotcha :D



nice little phrase there!!!! :)

like it

77 years eh?

u must ave the record for our oldest member
good on you

enjoy ur stay
christopherpostill said:
Not too good 10 years as a policeman? Whys that? I am considering a career in the police force... Looks interesting.

The book sounds VERY interesting...

u wanta be a copper?

oh dear oh dear............................

what a shame!!!!!
no offence my old mucker

Nothing wrong with working as old bill, really.

I used to feel the same way, PSD, until I got to know a few coppers.

Only thing wrong is within a week of you working in the Force, you will become instantly cynical and mistrusting. When you deal with the worst elements of society on a regular basis, it's only natural to sometimes despair of human nature.

Good job though, interesting with good pay, although you're exposed to more danger than most.

And it's odd, but even when I speak to a policeman who's off duty, I'm always on my guard. Not that I'm a professional villain or anything, but there are some subjects you just don't talk about with policemen. So, even though you may not realise it, if you're a copper there will be some aspects of alienation if you decide to socialise with 'civillians' and not just with others in 'The Job'.
floppybootstomp said:
lol :D

Damn, cat's out the bag then eh?

HAHA!! That was witty...

Well it is strange really - i feel kinda the same way - our area was literally CRAWLING with coppers today - speed camera units, cops on bikes, vans - everyone was really confused - theres never any cops around our area!! But i was so conscious of my driving, staying a fair whack below the speed limit etc etc...

My nans husbands daughters boyfriend (yep, you got it) is a traffic cop (Sergeant) and has EVERY driving qualification going - and he drives royalty around when needed - Hes really a nice bloke, can talk to him about pretty much anything - and he even said most cops wouldnt nick someone for doing 80 down the motorway....because of course the topic of speeding came up.

Like most people hes in it to help people, not nick them. But getting into the occasional scrap is fun... It has to be a rewarding job...

Dear Gotcha

Welcome aboard, good to have you!!!

I would be very interested to read your book so keep us posted in terms of if it gets published. The subject matter would greatly interest me!!

Dear Chris

Do you mean your aunt's (step aunt??) boyfriend - depending on whether it's a reconstituted family. And on the subject of the Police force/potential career PM me if you need any info. My hubby is a bobby and I can honestly say that there is absolutely NOTHING that you can't say to him!! He is the most unlikely looking or sounding bobby people could ever meet!! We have sme quite interesting debates in our house!

Gabriella x
Hiya Gotcha, you sound quite an interesting chappie.
Welcome to PC-Review, and we all sincerely hope you enjoy your stay here. :)
gabriella said:
Dear Chris

Do you mean your aunt's (step aunt??) boyfriend - depending on whether it's a reconstituted family. And on the subject of the Police force/potential career PM me if you need any info. My hubby is a bobby and I can honestly say that there is absolutely NOTHING that you can't say to him!! He is the most unlikely looking or sounding bobby people could ever meet!! We have sme quite interesting debates in our house!

Gabriella x


I guess so - my nan remarried on september 11th last year... (yeah, i know what yoiur thinking) to a new bloke....so i guess step aunts boyfriend then... it's just weird to think it like that imo...

This guy took me out on an advanced police driving lesson - the way he says to drive and the way i was taught to pass are so amazingly different i was gobsmacked. It was terrible really.

Gabriella do you know if the police force do "ride alongs" like in the USA - i would be totally up for going out on call shadowing a cop for a day or similar - to see what the work involves?

Dear Chris

Re 'shadowing' I'll do some checking out for you and PM you back on this one. I guess if it's possible your choices would be with Hants Police or the British Transport Police. My husband works for the latter and a more diverse job you could not imagine. I thought it would be all ticket dodgers....but no....there's some weird and wonderful stuff that they get involved with.

Let me chat to him and I'll be back t you.

I would imagine there would need to be some level of security clearance first but I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem!


Gabriella x
Gabriella - you are a legend. Thanks :)

We have a local police station, so anything to do with that would be good - Whitehill, Hampshire. Or Alton, Hampshire...

We always see the beefy Volvo T5's pull out of Whitehill to go somewhere, i wouldn't mind a ride in one of those!!

Security - Im not an insecure person, no criminal record, clean driving license, good grades etc etc...

Thanks again!!

Detective christopherpostill

i reckon it sounds alrite u know!

or should it be

Superintendent christopherpostill

ummm........... :)