XP won't run. Shuts down immediately - Virus??? How do I access internet in Safe Mode??



Running WInXP Pro. Clean install just a few weeks ago. Have installed all updates, etc. Have activated Windows built-in firewall. Had a virus within first few minutes on internet, so eliminated worm, and turned on firewall. Think I have another one, based on behavior of Windows.

When I log on, Windows IMMEDIATELY shuts down (1 min. countdown) - no time to access online virus scanner, etc and correct

Error message I get is: "C:Windows/System32/sass.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code 128. . . . . .

Can use WindowsXP in Safe Mode without computer shutting down. "Have run Adaware to check for spyware/adware - none found. PandaSoftware PQRemove.exe can't find any viruses (abbreviated program). How can I access internet in Safe Mode in order to go to a thorough online virus scanner? Is there a way to dial out and access internet in Safe Mode? My ISP connection program does not want to run in Safe Mode. Can anyone help? Does anyone know what virus/worm this might be causing this problem. When computer shuts down on it's own (after the 1 min. countdown, due to this problem), when I try to log back on it asks for a logon password (none installed). If I power down and reboot, I can go into safe mode, or attempt to log in normally without the password interference. Any assistance would be apprciated!!


Thanks Greg for the link and the PROMPT response. However, just tried the Avast Virus Cleaner download (saved on floppy, ran in Safe Mode on "infected" PC). Virus scanner found nothing. Still having problem. Can't run virus scanner in "normal" mode, as machine shuts down within 1 minute, and doesn't give programs any time to run. Had to scan in Safe Mode. Any other suggestions?


Sorry, made a mistake on error message - says

"C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code 128. . . . . . ." not sass.exe (read error too fast).


KBradley said:
Thanks Greg for the link and the PROMPT response. However, just
tried the Avast Virus Cleaner download (saved on floppy, ran in Safe
Mode on "infected" PC). Virus scanner found nothing. Still having
problem. Can't run virus scanner in "normal" mode, as machine shuts
down within 1 minute, and doesn't give programs any time to run. Had
to scan in Safe Mode. Any other suggestions?

As you've had time to post here, you must obviously have access from another
system. Suggest you use Google for the purpose it was invented
(http://groups.google.com) and search for 'RPC shutdown' no quotes. This is
a FAQ and you''ll find thousands of answers.


i had same prob kbradley, ok this may help (start-run then type "shutdown.exe-a" {without quotes}-enter
this will prevent your system from shutting down go to microsoft and down load the tool to remove the virus hope it helps you albat 474
good luck

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