XP upgrade, or full version?



I have an older Dell laptop (2000) that came with Windows'98 SE, I upgraded
it to Windows Me and now I want to go to XP, my question is: is it okay to
get the XP upgrade CD, or should I get the full version and
reformat/partition my drive. I'm on a tight budget, so if the upgrade
version will work okay, it'll save me a hundred bucks!


Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


The full retail version will upgrade and clean install.. there is no
necessity to repartition and reformat unless you want to do that.. the full
retail version is not dependant on either your ME or Win 98 CD for
installation purposes..


Lunaray said:
I have an older Dell laptop (2000) that came with Windows'98 SE, I
upgraded it to Windows Me and now I want to go to XP, my question is:
is it okay to get the XP upgrade CD, or should I get the full version
reformat/partition my drive. I'm on a tight budget, so if the upgrade
version will work okay, it'll save me a hundred bucks!


You can use the upgrade, but really think about whether or not your
older laptop will run XP successfully. You didn't mention the specs,
but a laptop that was created for Win98 is going to have a slow
processor, small hard drive, and limited RAM. Also, laptops have
proprietary hardware and proprietary software made by the laptop mftr.
to handle specialized laptop functions. Go to Dell's tech support
website for your specific laptop model and see if there are any drivers
and laptop software for XP. If there aren't, seriously consider not
doing the upgrade.

Here is a link to the XP Upgrade Advisor. Run it to see if there are
going to be problems:



Ken Blake

Lunaray said:
I have an older Dell laptop (2000) that came with Windows'98
upgraded it to Windows Me and now I want to go to XP, my
question is:
is it okay to get the XP upgrade CD, or should I get the full
and reformat/partition my drive. I'm on a tight budget, so if
upgrade version will work okay, it'll save me a hundred bucks!

There are really two very different questions here:

1. Should I buy the Upgrade version or the Full version?

2. Should I do a clean installation or an upgrade?

Regarding question 1, You should buy the Upgrade version since
it's cheaper than the Full version, and both versions can do
either a clean installation or an upgrade. The requirement to use
an upgrade version is to *own* a previous qualifying version's
installation CD (with an OEM restore CD, see below), not to have
it installed. When setup doesn't find a previous qualifying
version installed, it will prompt you to insert its CD as proof
of ownership. Just insert the previous version's CD, and follow
the prompts. Everything proceeds quite normally and quite
You can also do a clean installation if you have an OEM restore
CD of a previous qualifying version. It's more complicated, but
it *can* be done. First restore from the Restore CD. Then run the
XP upgrade CD from within that restored system, and change from
Upgrade to New Install. When it asks where, press Esc to delete
the partition and start over.

Regarding question 2, although many people will tell you that
formatting and installing cleanly is the best way to go, I
disagree. Unlike with previous versions of Windows, an upgrade to
XP replaces almost everything, and usually works very well.

My recommendation is to at least try the upgrade, since it's much
easier than a clean installation. You can always change your mind
and reinstall cleanly if problems develop.

However, don't assume that doing an upgrade relieves you of the
need to backup your data, etc. before beginning. Before starting
to upgrade, it's always prudent to recognize that things like a
sudden power loss can occur in the middle of it and cause the
loss of everything. For that reason you should make sure you have
backups and anything else you need to reinstall if the worst


Thanks Ken, this is very good information! My Windows Me OS is Legal and
registered to me, and I have all of the original disks that came with my
Dell, so I think I will take your advice and start out with just the
upgrade, and do the restore/clean install only if I have to!

Ken Blake

Lunaray said:
Thanks Ken, this is very good information! My Windows Me OS is
and registered to me, and I have all of the original disks that
with my Dell, so I think I will take your advice and start out
just the upgrade, and do the restore/clean install only if I
have to!

You're welcome. Glad to help.

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