XP Stops Responding


Paul Davis

We've just installed XP Professional onto what is
effectivelty a new machine and after its been running
for a while, windows stops responding. We've tried
removing drivers, physically removing hardware as well a
selective startup using system configuration utility. Can
anyone help?

R. McCarty

The list of things to check is pretty long and your description
doesn't provide much to diagnose with, which means the reply
is going to be a litany of questions, starting with:

A fresh/clean install or upgrade?
If upgrade from which OS, did you run the Upgrade Advisor
Have you check the System Event Log for Errors ?
Did you update all the drivers, (Chipset, Video, Sound, etc)
Are all Windows Critical updates applied.
Do you use a "Recent" Anti-Virus & are definitions up to date
What are you hardware specs (Memory, Processor, etc)

There are just too many areas that can cause this to give you a
more precise answer.

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