XP Service Pak 1 for XP pro



I needed to download the XP Service pack 1 for XP pro for
my client. I just reformatted the computer and I can not
go on line because I get hit with several worms before I
can update Norton. I need to download this pack on my
computer and burn a cd for the client, I do not have time
to order a cd, that takes 2-4 weeks ETA. How do I get
this service pack 1 so that I can move forward?
This is my second posting, is anyone there? Please,
Thank you for attention in this matter.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Visit http://www.microsoft.com/WindowsXP/pro/downloads/servicepacks/sp1/default.asp
and select "Network Installation", download SP1a to a new folder, then record the folder to a CD.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


|I needed to download the XP Service pack 1 for XP pro for
| my client. I just reformatted the computer and I can not
| go on line because I get hit with several worms before I
| can update Norton. I need to download this pack on my
| computer and burn a cd for the client, I do not have time
| to order a cd, that takes 2-4 weeks ETA. How do I get
| this service pack 1 so that I can move forward?
| This is my second posting, is anyone there? Please,
| Thank you for attention in this matter.
| DD

Roger Abell

Aside from the network download already mentioned . . .
One can use the SP1 from one's TechNet subscription
(difficult to imagine one with clients not have TechNet),
or simply after install of XP _turn_on_the_firewall_ so
that one can go online without getting hit by things while
doing the service updating.

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