Xp Refuses to install


Bryon Thompson

I recently put myself together a new computer. and while
trying to load windows XP Pro I get a large barrage of
errors. Most commonly the setup program hangs during the
installation of devices (about 3/4 done) or I get a blue
screen that says something about IRQL bieng not equal or
less... No matter what I try I cannot resole this. Can
anyone help??

I am using:
An MSI 865PE NEO2-LS Motherboard
A P4 2.6C HT with 800fsb
512 MB Kingston Dual Channel DDR
A Seagate Barracuda 80gb SATA HD
A Nvidia Geforce2 MX-400 64mb AGP
And an Artec 4x2.4x16 DVD+R

I have tried disabling the SATA altogether and using this
old beat up MAxtor 2 gig drive.. SAme errors.. Took out
the Dvd burner and put in a 16x Liteon DVD-ROM. still the
same errors.. And have totally ran out of ideas. Anything
else it could be??

Rob Ski

I'm experiencing similar setup problems. First, the system would hang
at the blue setup screen while the message "Setup is loading files
(Windows Executive)" was displayed. Disabling the "System BIOS
cacheable" setting in the BIOS seemed to help, but now I'm getting
"file\i386\ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. Error code 4"

My configuration:
MSI 865PE NEO2-LS Motherboard
P4 2.66 533fsb
1 Gb (2 x512) Centon Gemini PC3200 RAM
Xtasy Everything 5564 AGP video board
Seagate Barracuda 80Gb drive (ST380013A)
Hitachi GD2500 DVD drive

I don't have any suggestions yet, but you're not alone.


Rob said:
I'm experiencing similar setup problems. First, the system would hang
at the blue setup screen while the message "Setup is loading files
(Windows Executive)" was displayed. Disabling the "System BIOS
cacheable" setting in the BIOS seemed to help, but now I'm getting
"file\i386\ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. Error code 4"

My configuration:
MSI 865PE NEO2-LS Motherboard
P4 2.66 533fsb
1 Gb (2 x512) Centon Gemini PC3200 RAM
Xtasy Everything 5564 AGP video board
Seagate Barracuda 80Gb drive (ST380013A)
Hitachi GD2500 DVD drive

I don't have any suggestions yet, but you're not alone.

To both of you: test your RAM. I like Memtest86 from www.memtest86.com.
Let the test run a long time. If the RAM is OK, test the hard drive
with a diagnostic utility from the drive mftr. If the hard drive is OK,
test the motherboard. If all hardware checks out OK (and I doubt it
will; just because it's new doesn't mean it isn't faulty), strip the
box down to the absolute basics - motherboard, video card, keyboard,
one cd-rom drive, floppy if you have it. Then try the install. If the
install goes well, add one device at a time, testing between times.


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