XP pro welcome screen/unread messages



Tried everything, editing registry, Tweak UI, deleting and recreating an
account, nothing. One of the 2 login accounts displays the unread message
count at the login, the other does not. How to make them both display it?

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Many you didn't edit the right key, check the following:
Go to Start and type "regedit" without the quotes in the run box and press
enter. Go to the following key:
Click the plus sign, go to the e-mail account with which you've had this
issue. Look for message count in the right pane. You'll see an entry as
follows, 0x00000000 followed by a number in parenthesis as in (98), change
the number in parenthesis to zero or whatever the count should be.

If that is what you did, try TweakUI for XP:

Alec Soroudi

The Unread Messages display shows the number of unread messages in your
Microsoft Passport/MSN/Hotmail account. You have to associate the user
account with a Microsoft email address to check. The easiest way to do that
is to bring up Windows Messenger and go through the account setup. Once
that is finished you can go to the login screen and then, assuming that you
have any unread messages in the email address account that you entered in
the account setup, you will see the unread message count.


Alec S.
alec @ synetech . cjb . net


Doug Knox MS-MVP

Download and install TweakUI for XP, from the link Michael gave you earlier.
You'll find this setting in the Logon section.

Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows XP/ Windows Smart Display
Win 95/98/Me/XP Tweaks and Fixes


I tried. Does not work. Even Dell tech gave up on me.
I am ready to give up too. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!
To fix it, became more of a principle than a real need.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Prior to performing the function below, I suggest you open Regedit as you
have done previously, go to File, select Export and send your reg file to
some location on your hard drive. This is a backup of your current reg file
and will allow you to quickly restore using the Regedit import function if
something goes wrong.

When you use Regedit as I suggested in my previous post, when you get to the
unread mail and you select the specific e-mail account, in the right pane,
do you see an entry called, "message count. If yes, double click it and
change the "value data" to "0" without the quotes.

If you don't see "message count," right click the appropriate e-mail
account, select "Dword value," name it MessageCount exactly as I've typed it
here and press enter. Then double click MessageCount and enter the value as
0 and see if that resolves it.

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