WYSIWYG . . . isn't any longer


Mark Petersen

I know the general area of this problem, but not the specifics. I need some

1) Had a form I created in Excel and saved. Just some grid lines on a page,
but it was perfect -- they were exactly what I wanted and where I wanted them.
Saved the file last December and have not opened it until today.

2) Changed from a CRT @ 1024 x 768 to a flat panel @ 1280 x 1024 about 3 months

3) To compensate for the smaller everything at the higher resolution, I set XP
Pro to run at a custom DPI of 119% of normal (114 DPI).

4) I open that form, which I last used and saved in December. It's just as I
left it of course. I do a quick print preview; it looks good, and I print.

But . . . the form is no longer on exactly the same position on the page as it
was before. And the sizes are slightly off. Margins are wider, and rows are
shorter. The form that I'm printing now is not the form I want. I made some
efforts to scale things, but I was not very successful.

Obviously this has something to do with the new monitor resolution and/or DPI
settings. I proved it to myself by sending the original pristine file over to
my wife's box, which is still hooked to a CRT @ 1024 x 768. It printed
perfectly from there, exactly as the December version printed on my box last

So, the questions:

1) How can I compensate for these new resolution or DPI settings in Excel so
that the file prints properly from my machine?

2) The print preview looks as it always did on my machine, and the same as it
looks on my wife's machine. Why does the printer print differently from what I
am seeing? I thought this was all pure WYSIWYG.

As I say, I'm sure I am in the general area of this problem, but obviously I
don't understand it completely, and I was not able to resolve it other than by
using my wife's box to print the forms.



Mark Petersen said:
I know the general area of this problem, but not the specifics. I need some
2) The print preview looks as it always did on my machine, and the same as it
looks on my wife's machine. Why does the printer print differently from what I
am seeing? I thought this was all pure WYSIWYG.
Sorry, I don't have an answer, but problems like this have been bugging
me for a long time. So in hopes that someone from Microsoft is reading

Stop adding new features and make the current features work right!
I have wasted far more time fixing column widths after changing zoom than
I have ever saved with auto complete. If changing zoom, let alone monitors
or resolution, changes What You See, then how in the world are you
suppose to know What You'll Get.

Just needed to vent.

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