Wulfram: Free online game



Hey guys,

Check out this free online game: http://www.wulfram.com/?mkid=31257

It's seriously addictive and fun - regardless of who you are. Any age,
any lifestyle, any gender... Wulfram is good clean fun for everyone.

Let me know what you think. I'm already addicted, so I'll probably see
you online! Drop me an email if you need any help setting it up :)

Cheers and see you soon,



Hey guys,
Check out this free online game: http://www.wulfram.com
It's seriously addictive and fun - regardless of who you are. Any age,
any lifestyle, any gender... Wulfram is good clean fun for everyone.
Let me know what you think. I'm already addicted, so I'll probably see
you online! Drop me an email if you need any help setting it up :)
Cheers and see you soon,

Ok - I admit it - I was duped.

I was just about to post an indignant message about the tacky 'quotes'...


Vince said:
Ok - I admit it - I was duped.

I was just about to post an indignant message about the tacky 'quotes'...

Well, the website is crap, and the game graphics are crap, but the game
itself is alot of fun. I played it a long time ago heavily for a period
of about 6 months. It's a free deathmatch hovertank game. Good stuff.

I don't know what the hell they did with the website. The old one was
pretty bad, but this one must be some kind of inside joke. A bad idea
for a game looking for new players.

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