Word user's default folder


Bob Dolmetsch

The user is running microsoft office xp professional on a
stand-alone xp operating system. Her documents are stored
in the folder Janes Documents; when she goes into word,
clicks open, the folder name that appears is 4567aAsdZ;
when another user logs on as administrator and goes into
Word, the same folder appears as Janes Documents.

Why is 4567aAsdZ appearing?
How can we change the system so Janes Documents appears?
Is this a problem?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Bob

When Jane is logged in and runs Word, what folder appears at Tools > Options > File Locations as the location for Documents?

If 4567aAsdZ appears, then click Modify and navigate to Janes Documents.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

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