WinXP stalls at boot



Have an HP ze5468CL that originally had WinXP Home SP1 that would
not boot. It would get as far as that bar thingie (progress bar?)
and would just sit there. After a while it just reboots itself and
repeats itself over and over.

I tried to recover using the five disks that HP had sent with this
computer, the system recovery disks, but they would all load up (2
hours!) and then while checking the file index? it would get as far
as 48% and then I would get a Error #50 Read Failure. HP tech said
it was a problem reading the disk. So I tried using the HP operating
system restore disk to re-install Windows. That would get as far as
formatting the hard drive and then would fail/freeze/hang without
doing anything.

I then used another HP OEM Windows XP Pro cd to just get the hard
drive formatted to see if then it would take the install disk. And
it did and I thought I'd go ahead and just see iffn I could install
Pro on this laptop as far as the Product Key and if I could then go
back, reformat and re-install the proper OS for this unit.

Well everything went fine with this until the computer had to
reboot, you know when it first launches Windows? Then we are back to
cycle of status bar and rebooting. Aarrgghhhhhh!!

I have tried running the Recovery Console, but it gets me to
entering the Administrator password for the system, which as far as
I know there isn't one. HP says they don't enter them and the owner
of this laptop says she has never entered a password to log on or
set up anything like this.

Could this be a hardware problem with hard disk or am I just
screwing this whole thing up some how?? Any enlightenment would be
gladly accepted. Thanks.


What is the Stop Error Report?

Cab you get a Stop Error Report using this method? An alternative is to
keep pressing the F8 key during Start-Up and select option - Disable
automatic restart on system failure.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
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