WinXP SP2 Beta Version 2055



----- MS customer (Enterprise and Otherwise) wrote: ----

Yes - I agree. That's why there aren't really Microsoft "enthusiasts". Mr. Frisch needs to develop his people skills. I hope he is not in the employ of Microsoft but rather some kind of unpaid lackey... at least that would make me feel a bit better

I also stumbled into this thread, I WAS a Tech Support Mgr on Win2K for MS and have also worked as Enterprise Network Support Admin. People come to newsgroups for help and should be treated with respect. Everyone has something to offer and the idea is for us to learn from each other, not get into a dickering contest

While managing the tech for Win2K My team and I had to work with many people who were not tech savy, but we always tried to help and we did it professionally, without talking "down" to them. I wouldn't allow the "pat answer" "if your not a beta tester, tough luck". We found the answer or got the issue to the people who could help, no questions, no qualifiers. The idea is to help the customer with his problem, ASAP and professionally thank you

Here in this newsgroup if you can help someone or have something to contribute, speak up, otherwise let the post go for someone who can help..


Hey Cowboy, did youexpect anything more than a moronic answer from someone who claims to speak for Microsoft? I've crashed Windows XP PRO so many times, that I started buying extra hard drives to throw in and Install a fressh copy of XP and then just download the files off of the crashed operating system.And, NEVER have I gotten ONE good piece of advice from any Microsoft official. Microsoft, I believe, uses it's best programmers in a so-called hit squad to deal with anyone who speaks up too loudly against them. It's almost amazing how quickly my computer has started acting squirrely right after posting some less than glowing opinions about our great computer Mother. I came here for the first time, re-directed by a Microsoft Help Page(another funny oxy moron), because I can't play MPEGS in Win Media Player anymore. After reading these posts, after you asked, first off, for some info, I don't think these pompous know-it-all's about nothing would even be willing to help with my problem. The botom line is, Microsoft ain't perty, but she's all we got to work with at this time and space. Well, I guess my computer's gonna be crashing soon, so I better get moving on installing a new hard drive. Thanks for the support Microsoft. May you reap what you sow!

----- cowboy wrote: ----

Chris and Carey, you two must be an Item, ya both have the same answer for everything. Although your answer are pretty lame and stupid. YES I KNOW it is a Beta release and there are going to be BUGS, and yes those bugs will be Ironed out, and NO I am not an official Beta Tester. But I was hoping that I would run into some guys that also have it loaded and might have an answer, THAT IS WHAT A FORUM IS FOR, but I made a mistake and ran into you two Morons who like to play Moderators on an open forum. The problem is you are of no help to anyone, not even yourself because you can't step out of your little play ground long enough to learn anything
With that said, I found some answers to my problem on another forum that is not WinXP Beta Related, isn't that amazing. I actually found some people that knew what a forum was for
Why don't you two little pansies get married and go to work for Microsoft and get it over with.


Believe it are not, I did solve my problem with the help of someone in this thread. Of course that was after taking a bunch of crap from 2 or 3 morons, or might I say, Microsoft Employee Wantabes. My thanks goes out to the 97% who know what a Newsgroup is for. My middle finger goes out to the other 3%

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