Windows XP (Home) Explorer won't bring up Microsoft Office files



I have Windows XP - Home edition installed on my HP Pavilion laptop. It came
installed. In using the Windows Explorer, I like to find the file I want to
open and use it to open the file. For business reasons I have had to
download several new programs (natch) and will have to install several more.
Lately, when trying to open Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, Access) by
clicking the file - the computer acts like it doesn't know what to do. The
little timer thing spins and spins and the computer goes into a semi-freeze.
Then I'll open the program itself (through desktop icon or programs list),
open another or the same file. AFTER I close the file, then the file I asked
for in Windows Explorer pops up.

What can I do to fix this problem?

I have had several problems with Windows XP, but this is the most irritating
at the moment.


Hcknbrg said:
I have Windows XP - Home edition installed on my HP Pavilion laptop. It came
installed. In using the Windows Explorer, I like to find the file I want to
open and use it to open the file. For business reasons I have had to
download several new programs (natch) and will have to install several more.
Lately, when trying to open Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, Access) by
clicking the file - the computer acts like it doesn't know what to do. The
little timer thing spins and spins and the computer goes into a semi-freeze.
Then I'll open the program itself (through desktop icon or programs list),
open another or the same file. AFTER I close the file, then the file I asked
for in Windows Explorer pops up.

What can I do to fix this problem?

I have had several problems with Windows XP, but this is the most irritating
at the moment.

In explore/my computer, select tools>folder options.
On folder options, select the file types tab. When the list
comes up, go to your office file types (word types, excel
types, etc.), click on either [change] or [advanced]. In the
advanced actions dialog, if more than one action is noted
select your default action, and open the edit box to make
sure the command is the one you need. If it is, then ok it
back to the list and withe the action highlighted, click on
make default - action bolds. Close the option box. Do for
all office types.
When finished. Close explorer/my computer, and restart
system for the changes to take effect.
If the system says it can't find the application, click on
the browse button to find the application manually.


I followed your advice but didn't know what to change.
What is DDE?
This problem is in all my Microsoft Office products, but not any other
The "Application used to perform action:" line in each read
Word ...\office\winword.exe" /n %1
Excel ....\office\excel.exe" /e
Access ...\office\msaccess.exe" /nostartup "%1"
PowerPoint ...\office\powerpnt.exe" "%1"

Even the instructions at the end of the lines are inconsistent. The DDE's
are even more confusing/inconsistent.

I didn't use to have this problem. It's fairly recent.

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